Table of contents
1. Mathematical fundamentals of computer
1.1 Manipulating three-dimensional structures
- 1.1.1 Three-dimensional geometry in computer graphics - affine transformations
- 1.1.2 Transformations for changing coordinate
1.2 Structure-deforming transformations
1.3 Vectors and computer graphics
- 1.3.1 Addition of vectors
- 1.3.2 Length of vectors
- 1.3.3 Normal vectors and cross products
- 1.3.4 Normal vectors and dot products
- 1.3.5 Vectors associated with the normal vector
1.4 Rays and computer graphics
- 1.4.1 Ray geometry - intersections
- 1.4.2 Intersections - ray-sphere
- 1.4.3 intersections - ray-convex polygon
- 1.4.4 Intersections - ray-box
- 1.4.5 Intersections - ray-quadric
- 1.4.6 Ray tracing geometry - reflections and
1.5 Interpolating properties in the image plane
2. Representation and
modelling of three-dimensional objects (1)
- Introduction
2.1 Polygonal representation of three-dimensional objects
- 2.1.1 Creating polygonal objects
- 2.1.2 Manual modelling of polygonal objects
- 2.1.3 Automatic generation of polygonal objects
- 2.1.4 Mathematical generation of polygonal objects
- 2.1.5 Procedural polygon mesh objects - fractal
2.2 Constructive solid geometry (CSG) representation of objects
2.3 Space subdivision techniques for object representation
- 2.3.1 Octrees and rendering
- 2.3.2 BSP trees
- 2.3.3 Creating voxel objects
2.4 Representing objects with implicit functions
2.5 Scene management and object representation
- 2.5.1 Polygon mesh optimization
2.6 Summary
3. Representation and
modelling of three-dimensional objects (2)
- Introduction
3.1 Bezier curves
- 3.1.1 Joining Bezier curve segments
- 3.1.2 Summary of B-spline curve properties
3.2 B-spline representation
- 3.2.1 B-spline curves
- 3.2.2 Uniform B-splines
- 3.2.3 Non-uniform B-splines
- 3.2.4 Summary of B-spline curve properties
3.3 Rational curves
- 3.3.1 Rational Bezier curves
- 3.3.2 NURBS
3.4 From curves to surfaces
- 3.4.1 Continuity and Bezier patches
- 3.4.2 Bezier patch object - the Utah teapot
3.5 B-spline surface patches
3.6 Modelling or creating patch surfaces
- 3.6.1 Cross-sectional or linear axis design example
- 3.6.2 Control polyhedron design - basic technique
- 3.6.3 Creating patch objects by surface fitting
3.7 From patches to objects
4. Representation and
- Introduction
4.1 Rendering polygon meshes - a brief overview
4.2 Rendering parametric surfaces
- 4.2.1 Rendering directly from the patch descriptions
- 4.2.2 Patch to polygon conversion
- 4.2.3 Object space subdivision
- 4.2.4 Image space subdivision
4.3 Rendering a CSG description
4.4 Rendering a Yoxel description
4.5 Rendering implicit functions
5. The graphics pipeline 1:
geometric operations
- Introduction
5.1 Coordinate spaces in the graphics pipeline
- 5.1.1 Local or modelling coordinate systems
- 5.1.2 World coordinate systems
- 5.1.3 Camera or eye or view coordinate system
5.2 Operations carried out in view space
- 5.2.1 Culling or back-face elimination
- 5.2.2 The View volume
- 5.2.3 Three-dimensional screen space
- 5.2.4 View volume and depth
5.3 Advanced Viewing systems (PHIGS and CKS)
- 5.3.1 Overview of the PHIGS viewing system
- 5.3.2 The view orientation parameters
- 5.3.3 The View mapping parameters
- 5.3.4 The view plane in more detail
- 5.3.5 Implementing a PHIGS-type viewing system
6. The graphics pipeline 2:
rendering or algorithmic processes
- Introduction
6.1 Clipping polygons against the view volume
6.2 Shading pixels
- 6.2.1 Local reflection models
- 6.2.2 Local reflection models - practical points
- 6.2.3 Local reflection models - light source
6.3 Interpolative shading techniques
- 6.3.1 Interpolative shading techniques - Gouraud shading
- 6.3.2 Interpolative shading techniques - Phong shading
- 6.3.3 Renderer shading options
- 6.3.4 Comparison of Gouraud and Phong shading
6.4 Rasterization
- 6.4.1 Rasterizing edges
- 6.4.2 Rasterizing polygons
6.5 Order of rendering
6.6 Hidden surface removal
- 6.6.1 The Z-buffer algorithm
- 6.6.2 Z-buffer and CSG representation
- 6.6.3 Z-buffer and compositing
- 6.6.4 Z-buffer and rendering
- 6.6.5 Scan line Z-buffer
- 6.6.6 Spanning hidden surface removal
- 6.6.7 A spanning scan line algorithm
- 6.6.8 Z-buffer and complex scenes
- 6.6.9 Z-buffer summary
- 6.6.10 BSP trees and hidden surface removal
6.7 Multi-pass rendering and accumulation buffers
7. Simulating light-object
interaction: local reflection models
- Introduction
7.1 Reflection from a perfect surface
7.2 Reflection from an imperfect surface
7.3 The bi-directional reflectance distribution function
7.4 Diffuse and specular components
7.5 Perfect diffuse - empirically spread specular reflection (Phong)
7.6 Physically based specular reflection
- 7.6.1 Modelling the micro-geometry of the surface
- 7.6.2 Shadowing and masking effects
- 7.6.3 Viewing geometry
- 7.6.4 The Fresnel term
7.7 Pre-computing BRDFs
7.8 Physically based diffuse component
8. Mapping techniques
- Introduction
8.1 Two-dimensional texture maps to polygon mesh objects
- 8.1.1 Inverse mapping by bilinear interpolation
- 8.1.2 Inverse mapping by using an intermediate
8.2 Two-dimensional texture domain to bi-cubic parametric patch objects
8.3 Billboards
8.4 Bump mapping
- 8.4.1 A multi-pass technique for bump mapping
- 8.4.2 A pre-calculation technique for bump
8.5 Light maps
8.6 Environment or reflection mapping
- 8.6.1 Cubic mapping
- 8.6.2 Sphere mapping
- 8.6.3 Environmental mapping: comparative points
- 8.6.4 Surface properties and environment mapping
8.7 Three-dimensional texture domain techniques
- 8.7.1 Three-dimensional noise
- 8.7.2 Simulating turbulence
- 8.7.3 Three-dimensional texture and animation
- 8.7.4 Three-dimensional light maps
8.8 Anti-aliasing and texture mapping
8.9 Interactive techniques in texture
Caractéristiques techniques
Éditeur(s) | Addison Wesley |
Auteur(s) | Alan Watt |
Parution | 10/08/1999 |
Édition | 3eme édition |
Nb. de pages | 570 |
Format | 19 x 24 |
Couverture | Relié |
Poids | 1200g |
EAN13 | 9780201398557 |
ISBN13 | 978-0-201-39855-7 |
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