SQL server security - Chip Andrews , David Litchfield , Bill Grindlay - Librairie Eyrolles
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SQL server security
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Librairie Eyrolles - Paris 5e

SQL server security

SQL server security

Chip Andrews, David Litchfield, Bill Grindlay

346 pages, parution le 22/09/2003


Addresses SQL Server vulnerabilities and provides security solutions. Covers installation, administration, and programming--plus security issues such as authentication, encryption, intrusion detection, and more. Written for IT professionals administering or programming any SQL Server-based application--includes coverage of SQL Server 7, SQL Server 2000, and SQL Server (Yukon).


  • SQL Server Security: The Basics
  • Under Siege: How SQL Server Is Hacked
  • SQL Server Installation Tips
  • The Network-Libraries and Secure Connectivity
  • Authentication and Authorization
  • SQL Server in the Enterprise
  • Auditing and Intrusion Detection
  • Data Encryption
  • SQL Injection: When Firewalls Offer No Protection
  • Secure Architectures
  • Appendix

L'auteur - Chip Andrews

Chip Andrews, MCDBA, MCSE+I, is a Software Security Architect for Claris Corporation as well as an independent security consultant. Chip has more than 16 years of software development experience in the C++, Visual Basic, Java, C#, and T-SQL languages. He is a contributing author to several periodicals including Microsoft Certified Professional Magazine, SQL Server Magazine, and Dr. Dobbs Journal. Chip also has contributed a chapter on SQL Server Security to the book Hacking Exposed Windows 2000 by Osborne. He has given presentations at Black Hat computer security conferences concerning SQL Server security and its role in the secure enterprise.

L'auteur - David Litchfield

David Litchfield is founder and chief research scientist of NGSSoftware Ltd., a UK-based security solutions provider. He has been recognized as the world's premier expert on Oracle database security, and is the designer of NGSSQuirreL, a powerful tool for identifying and assessing database vulnerability. David is a regular conference speaker and has lectured government agencies on security topics.

L'auteur - Bill Grindlay

Bill Grindlay is a senior security consultant and software engineer at NGS Software. He has worked on both the generalized vulnerability scanner Typhon III and the NGSSQuirreL family of database security scanners. He is a co-author of the database administrator's guide, SQL Server Security.

Caractéristiques techniques

Éditeur(s) Mc Graw Hill
Auteur(s) Chip Andrews, David Litchfield, Bill Grindlay
Parution 22/09/2003
Nb. de pages 346
Format 18,7 x 23,2
Couverture Broché
Poids 710g
Intérieur Noir et Blanc
EAN13 9780072225150

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