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Summary: the change function
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Librairie Eyrolles - Paris 5e

Summary: the change function

Summary: the change function

Review and analysis of coburn's book

Businessnews Publishing - Collection Business book summaries

44 pages, parution le 16/09/2016


The must-read summary of Pip Coburn's book: "The Change Function: Why Some Technologies Take Off and Others Crash and Burn".

This complete summary of the ideas from Pip Coburn's book "The Change Function" shows how launching new technology is a high-stake business: failure is expensive and success lucrative. Often failure or success is not predicated on the technology itself, but on whether its developers are supplier-centric or user-centric. In his book, the author suggests a new model for the research and development of new technology. Ask yourself what customers really dislike doing, and how you can change your current products to make them more painless. He uses case studies of failures and successes to demonstrate what they did wrong or right, and explains that there are 10 questions every developer should ask whilst in the research stage.

Added-value of this summary:
- Save time
- Understand key concepts
- Expand your knowledge

To learn more, read "The Change Function" and discover how you can achieve technological success with methodical strategies.

Caractéristiques techniques

Éditeur(s) Busi Book Sum
Auteur(s) Businessnews Publishing
Collection Business book summaries
Parution 16/09/2016 28/10/2014
Nb. de pages 44 15
Format 12 x 18 -
Couverture Broché -
Poids 55g -
Contenu - ePub
EAN13 9782511044278 9782511020036


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