Corpus des inscriptions de thasos v
Documents publics d'époque romaine, ier s. av. j.-c. - ive s. apr. j.-c.
Julien Fournier - Collection Études thasiennes
How did the integration of a Greek city into the Roman Empire take place? What were the steps involved and what institutional and social transformations accompanied it? These are the main issues explored in this volume of the Corpus of Inscriptions from Thasos (CITh V), which brings together public documents from the Roman era (1st century BC - 4th century AD). One hundred and three texts, previously scattered among numerous collections and articles, are meticulously edited, translated, commented on, and illustrated with completely renewed graphic and photographic documentation. A series of letters issued by Roman authorities outline the successive stages of Thasos' incorporation into the emerging empire, from the war against Mithridates to the creation of the province of Thrace. All other inscriptions originate directly from the city itself. The content and presentation of these documents reflects the evolution of the Greek civic model during the period of Roman hegemony. While regulations are not as common as in previous eras, honorary decrees and inscriptions on the bases of statues now constitute a significant portion of public epigraphy. In response to the numerous dedications with an edilitarian character, these inscriptions demonstrate the increased dependence of the city on a group of notables who finance the maintenance and the functioning of its still active institutions. At the end of the book, a paleographic appendix traces the development of engraving from the major texts of the 1st century BC until the conclusion of public epigraphy in the Constantinian period. Additionally, a prosopographic appendix identifies and catalogs over 250 individuals, both men and women. A series of detailed indexes facilitates the consultation of the volume. Dans une thèse soutenue en 1959, Jacques Tréheux a traité de tout ce qui concernait les collections de vases, ce qui l'a conduit à analyser de manière critique les inscriptions publiées en IG XI 2 puis dans la collection des ID. Son étude porte principalement sur les inventaires de l'Hiéropoion et de la Chalcothèque. J. Tréheux aurait souhaité étendre cette étude à l'ensemble des inventaires ; mais son travail est demeuré inachevé. Du moins les sept chapitres rassemblés ici en apprennent-ils beaucoup à la fois sur la gestion des offrandes, sur la rédaction des premiers inventaires et sur un certain nombre de termes employés par les hiéropes - dont il a su préciser le sens. Des addenda et corrigenda dus à Pierre Charneux ainsi que des indices détaillés en facilitent la lecture et la consultation. During the period of Delian Independence, the hieropes - Delian magistrates in charge of the management of sacred goods - were responsible for drawing a yearly inventory of the offerings dedicated to Apollo and other deities. Those inventories, carved on stelae, were excavated many centuries later by the archaeologists of the French School at Athens. Their texts, published by Félix Durrbach, provide a wealth of data on diverse topics. In the PhD dissertation he defended in 1959, Jacques Tréheux delt with all the material relevant to the vase collections, in the process conducting a critical manner the inscriptions published in IG XI 2 and then in the ID collection. His study dealt primarily with the inventories of the Hieropoion and of the Chalcotheke. J. Tréheux wished to extend his study to all the inventories; but his work remained unfinished. Still, the seven chapters assembled here have a lot to teach about the management of offerings, the editing of the first inventories and the meaning of a number of terms used by the hieropes, many of which he was able to clarify. To Pierre Charneux, we owe the addenda and corrigenda, while his detailed indices make this work easier to consult.
Caractéristiques techniques
Éditeur(s) | Ecole française de Rome |
Auteur(s) | Julien Fournier |
Collection | Études thasiennes |
Parution | 28/08/2023 |
Nb. de pages | 381 |
Format | 21 x 30 |
Couverture | Broché |
Poids | 1000g |
EAN13 | 9782869585874 |
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