If you create professional-looking documents on a regular basis, you require a mighty word processor that offers all the power and capabilities to create them. Enter Microsoft Word! Pair it with Word For Dummies to hone all your word-processing skills. The book is filled with useful tips and suggestions that allow you to get the most out of Word, as well as helpful information on the latest features. It also shows you how to customize and configure Word for your optimal workflow.
Get details on the new Word interface; tools to quickly edit and format your documents; methods to organize your text with tables; techniques to insert charts, photos, and other graphics for visual interest; ways to automate routine document creation tasks; and how best to collaborate, share, and exchange documents with co-workers.
- Use Windows tools to quickly access Word and optimize your productivity
- Seamlessly integrate Word with other Office applications (Outlook, PowerPoint, and Excel)
- Employ document formatting features to create a clean layout and text presentation
- Exchange comments with co-workers using @mention notifications
- Customize the Word interface, including the dark mode feature
- Have a friendly, useful guide on Microsoft Word on hand when you need it
With Word For Dummies by your side, you can once again make working with Word a pleasure. Soon, you'll be creating picture-, letter- and word-perfect documents.
Introduction 1
About This Book 1
How to Use This Book 2
Foolish Assumptions 3
What's Not Here 3
Icons Used in This Book 4
Where to Go from Here 4
Part 1: Your Introduction to Word 5
Chapter 1: Hello, Word 7
Start Your Word Day 7
Starting Word the program 8
Starting Word online 8
Opening a document to start Word 9
Behold the Word Program 10
Working the Word Start screen 10
Examining Word's main screen 12
Working the Ribbon 13
Showing and hiding the Ribbon 14
Working with Word on a tablet 15
Changing the document view 15
Making text look larger or smaller 16
End Your Word Day 17
Quitting Word 18
Closing a document without quitting Word 18
Setting Word aside 19
Chapter 2: The Typing Chapter 21
Input Devices Galore 21
Using the PC keyboard 22
Working an onscreen keyboard 23
Understanding the mouse pointer 24
Keyboard Do's and Don'ts 24
Following the insertion pointer 25
Whacking the spacebar 25
Backing up and erasing 26
Pressing the Enter key 26
Stuff That Happens While You Type 27
Using text predictions 27
Watching the status bar 27
Observing page breaks 28
Working collapsible headers 29
Dealing with spots and clutter in the text 29
Understanding colorful underlines 30
Part 2: Your Basic Word 33
Chapter 3: To and Fro in a Document 35
Document Scrolling 35
Working the vertical scroll bar 36
Using the horizontal scroll bar 37
Using the mouse wheel to scroll 37
Move the Insertion Pointer 38
Commanding the insertion pointer 38
Moving in small increments 39
Moving from beginning to end 39
Return to the Previous Edit 41
Go to Wherever with the Go To Command 41
Chapter 4: Text Editing 43
Remove Text You Don't Want 43
Deleting single characters 44
Deleting a word 44
Deleting more than a word 45
Split and Join Paragraphs 47
Making two paragraphs from one 47
Making one paragraph from two 48
Soft and Hard Returns 48
Undo Mistakes with Undo Haste 49
Undoing the Undo command with Redo 50
Using the Repeat command 50
Chapter 5: Search for This, Replace It with That 51
Text Happily Found 51
Finding a tidbit o' text 52
Scouring your document with Advanced Find 53
Finding stuff you can't type 55
Replace Found Text 58
Chapter 6: Blocks o' Text 61
Meet Mr Block 61
Mark a Block of Text 63
Using the keyboard to select text 63
Marking a block with the mouse 64
Using the F8 key to mark a block 65
Blocking the whole dang-doodle document 66
Deselecting a block 67
Manipulate a Block of Text 67
Copying a block 68
Moving a block 68
Setting the pasted text format 69
Using the mouse to copy or move a block 70
Viewing the Clipboard 71
Chapter 7: Spell It Write 73
Check Your Spelling 73
Fixing a misspelled word 74
Dealing with incorrectly flagged words 75
AutoCorrect in Action 77
Undoing an AutoCorrect correction 77
Adding a new AutoCorrect entry 78
Adjusting AutoCorrect settings 79
Grammar Be Good 80
All-at-Once Document Proofing 81
Reviewing all those errors 81
Rechecking a document 81
Document Proofing Settings 82
Customizing the custom dictionary 82
Disabling automatic proofing 83
Curtailing grammar checking 84
Hiding all proofing errors in a document 84
Chapter 8: Documents New, Saved, and Opened 87
Some Terms to Get Out of the Way 88
Behold! A New Document 88
Save Your Stuff! 89
Saving a document for the first time 90
Dealing with document-save errors 92
Saving or updating a document 92
Saving automatically on OneDrive 93
Forgetting to save before you quit 94
Open a Document 94
Using the Open command 95
Opening one document inside another 97
Recover a Draft 98
Chapter 9: Publish Your Document 99
Your Document on Paper 99
Previewing before printing 100
Printing the entire document 101
Printing a specific page 102
Printing a range of pages 103
Printing on both sides of the page 104
Printing odd- and even-numbered pages 105
Printing a block 106
Printing more than one copy of something 106
Choosing another printer 106
Canceling a print job 107
Electronically Publishing Your Document 108
Preparing a document for publishing 108
Making a PDF 109
Exporting your document 110
Part 3: Fun with Formatting 111
Chapter 10: Character Formatting 113
Text Formatting Techniques 113
Basic Text Formats 114
Selecting a font 114
Applying character formats 116
Text Transcending Teensy to Titanic 118
Setting the text size 118
Nudging text size 119
More Colorful Text 119
Coloring the text 120
Shading the background 120
Change Text Case 121
Clear Character Formatting 122
Behold the Font Dialog Box 123
Chapter 11: Paragraph Formatting 125
Paragraph Formatting Rules and Regulations 126
Formatting a paragraph 126
Locating the paragraph formatting commands 127
Justification and Alignment 128
Line up on the left! 128
Everyone center! 129
Line up on the right! 129
Line up on both sides! 129
Make Room Before, After, or Inside Paragraphs 130
Setting the line spacing 131
Making space between paragraphs 132
Paragraph Indentation Madness 133
Indenting the first line of a paragraph 133
Making a hanging indent (an outdent) 134
Indenting a whole paragraph 134
Using the ruler to adjust indents 135
Chapter 12: Tab Formatting 139
Once Upon a Tab 139
Seeing tab characters 140
Seeing tab stops 141
Using the ruler to set tab stops 142
Using the Tabs dialog box to set tabs 142
The Standard Left Tab Stop 144
Creating a basic tabbed list 144
Creating a 2-tab paragraph-thing 145
The Center Tab Stop 147
The Right Tab Stop 148
Making a right-stop, left-stop list 148
Building a 2-column right-stop list 150
The Decimal Tab 151
The Bar Tab 152
Fearless Leader Tabs 153
Tab Stop, Be Gone! 154
Chapter 13: Page Formatting 155
Describe That Page 155
Setting page size 156
Changing orientation (landscape or portrait) 157
Setting the page margins 158
Using the Page Setup dialog box 158
Page Numbering 160
Adding an automatic page number 160
Starting with a different page number 162
Numbering with Roman numerals 163
Removing page numbers 163
New Pages from Nowhere 164
Starting text on a new page 164
Inserting a blank page .165
Page Background Froufrou 165
Coloring pages 165
Printing colored pages 166
Adding a watermark 167
Chapter 14: Section Formatting 169
Slice a Document into Sections 170
Creating a section 171
Using sections 172
Removing a section break 173
That First Page 173
Adding a cover page 173
Inserting a cover page manually 174
Headers and Footers 175
Using a preset header or footer 175
Creating a custom header or footer 176
Working with multiple headers and footers 178
Removing a header or a footer 181
Chapter 15: Style Formatting 183
The Big Style Overview 183
Finding the styles 184
Using a style 185
Discovering the current style 186
Removing style formatting 187
Make Your Own Styles 187
Creating a style 188
Using the Create New Style from Formatting dialog box 188
Modifying a style 190
Assigning a shortcut key to a style 191
Deleting a style 192
Style Tips and Tricks 193
Changing the Normal style 193
Creating heading styles 194
Customizing the Style Gallery 194
Chapter 16: Template and Themes Formatting 197
Instant Documents with Templates 197
Using a template to start a new document 198
Changing a document's attached template 200
Templates of Your Own 201
Creating a template based on a document you already have 201
Making a new template from scratch 202
Modifying a template 202
The Theme of Things 203
Applying a document theme 203
Modifying or creating a theme 204
Chapter 17:Random Drawer Formatting 207
Weird and Fun Text Effects 207
Steal This Format 209
Automatic Formatting 210
Enjoying automagical text 210
Formatting tricks for paragraphs 213
Undoing an AutoFormat 214
Center a Page, Top to Bottom 214
Part 4: Spruce Up A Dull Document 217
Chapter 18: They're Called Borders 219
The Basics of Borders 220
Putting borders around a paragraph 221
Boxing multiple paragraphs 221
Removing borders 222
The Borders and Shading Dialog Box 222
Creating a fancy title 223
Boxing text 224
Applying a page border 224
Stick a thick line between paragraphs 225
Chapter 19:Able Tables 227
Put a Table in Your Document 227
Working with tables in Word 228
Creating a table 228
Converting a table to text 232
Deleting a table 232
Text in Tables 233
Typing text in a table 233
Selecting in a table 234
Aligning text in a cell 234
Table Modification 235
Adding or removing rows or columns 235
Adjusting row and column size 236
Merging cells 236
Splitting cells 237
Making the table pretty 237
Adding a table caption 238
Chapter 20: Columns of Text 239
All about Columns 239
Making 2-column text 241
Building a trifold brochure 242
Giving up on columns 243
Column Tricks 243
Changing column formats 243
Placing a column break 244
Chapter 21: Lots of Lists 247
Lists with Bullets and Numbers 247
Making a bulleted list 248
Numbering a list 248
Creating a multilevel numbered list 249
Numbering lines on a page 250
Document Content Lists 251
Creating a table of contents 251
Building an index 252
Adding a list of figures 254
Footnotes and Endnotes 255
Chapter 22: Here Come the Graphics 257
Graphical Goobers in the Text 257
Copying and pasting an image 259
Plopping down a picture 259
Slapping down a shape 260
Sticking things into a shape 261
Using WordArt 261
Image Layout 262
Wrapping text around an image 263
Floating an image 264
Keeping an image with text 264
Image Editing 264
Resizing an image 265
Cropping an image 265
Rotating an image 266
Changing an image's appearance 267
Image Arrangement 267
Moving an image hither and thither 268
Aligning graphics 268
Shuffling images front or back 269
Grouping images 269
Chapter 23:Insert Tab Insanity 271
Characters Foreign and Funky 271
Nonbreaking spaces and hyphens 271
Typing characters such as UE, C, and N 272
Inserting special characters and symbols 273
Spice Up a Document with a Text Box 274
Fun with Fields 275
Understanding fields 275
Adding some useful fields 276
Updating a field 278
Changing a field 278
Viewing a field's raw data 278
Deleting fields 278
The Date and Time 279
Adding the current date or time 279
Using the PrintDate field 280
Part 5: The Rest Of Word 281
Chapter 24: Multiple Documents, Windows, and File Formats 283
Multiple Document Mania 284
Arranging open document windows 284
Comparing two documents side by side 285
Viewing one document in multiple windows 285
Using the old split-screen trick 286
Many, Many Document Types 287
Understanding document formats 287
Opening a non-Word document 288
Updating an older Word document 290
Chapter 25: Word for Writers 291
Organize Your Thoughts 291
Entering Outline view 292
Typing topics in the outline 293
Rearranging topics 294
Demoting and promoting topics 294
Expanding and collapsing topics 295
Adding a text topic 296
Printing an outline 297
Large Documents 298
Stitching together chapter documents 298
Splitting a document 299
Avoiding the master document feature 300
Dan's Writing Tips 300
Choosing the best word 300
Counting every word 301
Writing for writers 302
Chapter 26: Let's Work This Out 303
Comments on Your Text 303
Adding a comment 303
Replying to a comment 304
Showing or hiding comments 305
Perusing comments one at a time 305
Printing comments (or not) 306
Deleting comments 306
The Yellow Highlighter 307
Look What They've Done to My Text, Ma 308
Comparing two versions of a document 308
Tracking changes as they're made 309
Reviewing changes 310
Collaborate on the Internet 311
Sharing a document 311
Checking updates 312
Chapter 27: Mail Merge Mania 313
About Mail Merge 313
Understanding Word's mail merge jargon 314
Reviewing the mail merge process 315
Using the Mail Merge Wizard 316
I The Main Document 316
Creating a mail merge form letter 316
Creating mail merge email messages 318
Creating mail merge envelopes 318
II The Recipient List 319
Building a new recipient list 319
Using an already created recipient list 323
Grabbing a recipient list from Outlook 323
Editing a recipient list 324
III Fold In the Fields 325
IV Preview the Merged Documents 325
V Mail Merge, Ho! 326
Merging to a new set of documents 326
Merging to the printer 327
Merging to email 327
Chapter 28: Labels and Envelopes 329
Labels Everywhere 329
Printing sheets of identical labels 330
Printing an address list 331
Instant Envelope 333
Chapter 29:A More Custom Word 337
A Better Status Bar 337
The Quick Access Toolbar 339
Adding buttons to the Quick Access toolbar 340
Editing the Quick Access toolbar 340
Removing items from the Quick Access toolbar 342
Customize the Ribbon 342
Part 6: The Part Of Tens 345
Chapter 30: The Ten Commandments of Word 347
Thou Shalt Remember to Save Thy Work 348
Thou Shalt Not Use Spaces Unnecessarily 348
Thou Shalt Not Abuse the Enter Key 348
Thou Shalt Not Neglect Keyboard Shortcuts 348
Thou Shalt Not Manually Number Thy Pages 349
Thou Shalt Not Force a New Page 349
Thou Shalt Not Forget Thy Undo Command 349
Honor Thy Printer 350
Thou Shalt Have Multiple Document Windows Before Thee 350
Neglecteth Not Windows 350
Chapter 31: Ten Cool Tricks 351
Side-to-Side Page Movement 351
Automatic Save with AutoRecover 353
Accelerate the Ribbon 353
Ancient Word Keyboard Shortcuts 354
Build Your Own Fractions 355
Electronic Bookmarks 355
Lock Your Document 356
The Drop Cap 357
Map Your Document 357
Sort Your Text 358
Chapter 32: Ten Bizarre Things 361
Equations 361
Video in Your Document 362
Hidden Text 363
The Developer Tab 363
Hyphenation 364
Document Properties 364
Document Version History 364
Collect-and-Paste 365
Click-and-Type 365
Translations 366
Chapter 33: Ten Automatic Features Worthy of Deactivation 367
Bye-Bye, Start Screen 368
Restore the Traditional Open and Save Dialog Boxes 368
Turn Off the Mini Toolbar 369
Select Text by Letter 369
Disable Click-and-Type 370
Paste Plain Text Only 370
Disable AutoFormat Features (x4) 371
Index 373
Dan Gookin wrote the first-ever For Dummies book back in 1991. He has authored a number of bestsellers, and his books have been published in 32 languages and have more than 11 million copies in print.
L'auteur - Dan Gookin
Dan Gookin a écrit les tout premiers livres de la collection "Pour les Nuls" il y a plus de 25 ans. Avec plus de 130 livres à son actif et des dizaines de millions d'exemplaires vendus dans le monde, il a à coeur de rendre l'informatique et la haute technologie accessibles au plus grand nombre.
Autres livres de Dan Gookin
Caractéristiques techniques
Éditeur(s) | Wiley |
Auteur(s) | Dan Gookin |
Parution | 14/02/2022 |
Nb. de pages | 416 |
Couverture | Broché |
EAN13 | 9781119829171 |
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