Experienced Visual Basic programmers will benefit from this book as it highlights the features and functions of this new and much-changed version of Visual Basic.
All readers will delight in expert For Dummies author Wallace Wang's coverage of topics that include: Variables, constants, loops and other programming fundamentals, Visual Basic.NET syntax, Working with the new Visual Basic.NET IDE, Forms and controls, and Understanding Objects.
About This BookPart I: Creating a Visual Basic .NET Program
- How to Use This Book
- Foolish Assumptions
- How This Book Is Organized
- Part I: Creating a Visual Basic .NET Program
- Part II: Creating User Interfaces
- Part III: Making Menus
- Part IV: The Basics of Writing Code
- Part V: Making Decisions and Getting Loopy
- Part VI: Writing Subprograms (So You Don't Go Crazy All at Once)
- Part VII: Understanding Object-Oriented Programming
- Part VIII: The Part of Tens
- Icons Used in This Book
- Where to Go from Here
Part II: Creating User Interfaces
- Chapter 1: How Visual Basic .NET Works
- Writing a Visual Basic .NET Program
- Drawing a user interface
- Defining properties to make your user interface unique
- Writing BASIC code
- Getting to Know Visual Basic .NET
- Knowing the Drawbacks of the .NET
- Chapter 2: Using the Visual Basic .NET User Interface
- Loading Visual Basic .NET
- Starting a new project
- Loading an existing project
- Welcome to the Visual Basic .NET User Interface
- Manipulating your windows
- Quitting Visual Basic .NET
- Chapter 3: Designing Your First User Interface
- Common Parts of a User Interface
- Drawing objects with the Toolbox
- Drawing your first user interface
- Defining the Properties of Your User Interface
- What properties do
- Changing property settings
- Changing property settings at design time
- Defining the properties of your first user interface
- Chapter 4: Writing BASIC Code
- What Is BASIC Code?
- Writing Visual Basic .NET Event-Handling Procedures
- Creating an event-handling procedure the fast way
- Creating an event-handling procedure the slower way
- What can BASIC code do?
- How Visual Basic .NET event-handling procedures work
- Writing BASIC Code for Your First Visual Basic .NET Program
Part III: Making Menus
- Chapter 5: User Interface Design 101
- Before You Create Your User Interface
- Know your user
- Orient the user
- Make the choices obvious
- Be forgiving
- Keep it simple
- Designing Your Visual Basic .NET User Interface
- Creating a form
- Drawing objects on a form
- Changing the properties of an object
- Naming objects
- Displaying text on an object
- Changing the size of objects
- Moving objects on the screen
- Docking your objects within a form
- Anchoring your objects
- Copying an existing object (to avoid drawing a new one)
- Deleting objects off the face of the earth
- Selecting more than one object to move, copy, or delete
- Defining the TabIndex property of your objects
- Dimming objects
- Making objects invisible
- See How to Change Text on an Object for Yourself
- Chapter 6: Designing Forms
- Creating a Form
- Naming your forms
- Viewing different forms
- Changing the Look of a Form
- Coloring your forms
- Putting a background image on a form
- Drawing borders around forms
- Minimizing and maximizing forms
- Positioning a form on the screen
- Removing (and adding) forms
- Choosing Which Form Visual Basic .NET Displays First
- Opening, Hiding, and Closing Forms
- Opening a form
- Hiding (and showing) a form
- Closing a form
- Chapter 7: Boxes and Buttons for Making Choices
- Pushing Your Buttons
- Creating Check Boxes and Radio Buttons
- Creating a check box or radio button
- Aligning your check boxes and buttons
- Grouping check boxes and radio buttons
- Displaying Text on a Button, Check Box, Radio Button, or GroupBox
- Chapter 8: Text Boxes and Labels for Typing and Showing Words
- Creating a Label or Text Box
- Changing fonts displayed in a label or text box
- Coloring text in a label or text box
- Adding pretty borders
- Aligning text within a label or text box
- Customizing a Text Box
- Word-wrapping text boxes
- Making a password text box
- Limiting the length of text
- Chapter 9: Showing Choices with List and Combo Boxes
- Making a List Box and a Combo Box
- Creating list boxes and combo boxes
- Choosing a combo box style
- Filling List Boxes and Combo Boxes with Stuff
- Sorting items in a list box or combo box
- Removing items from a list box or combo box
- Making Listed Items Look Pretty
- Chapter 10: Fine-Tuning the Appearance of Your User Interface
- Resizing Your Objects
- Neatly Aligning Objects
- Putting Space Between Your Objects
- Centering Your Objects
- Locking Down Your Objects
- Locking (and unlocking) all the objects on a form
- Locking (and unlocking) individual objects
Part IV: The Basics of Writing Code
- Chapter 11: Creating and Editing Pull-Down Menus
- The Basic Elements of a Menu Bar
- Making Menus for Your User Interface
- Adding and deleting menu titles and commands
- Moving menu titles and commands around
- Naming Menus
- Making Menus Pretty
- Putting separator bars in menus
- Assigning shortcut keys
- Putting check marks next to menu commands
- Dimming menu commands
- Making menu commands invisible
- Chapter 12: Submenus, Growing Menus, and Pop-Up Menus
- Creating Submenus
- Changing Menu Commands While Your Program Is Running
- Designing Dynamically Growing Menus
- Making a dynamically growing menu at design time
- Making a dynamically growing menu at run time
- Making Pop-up Menus
- Typing commands into a context menu
- Making your context menu pop up
- Copying commands into a context menu
- Chapter 13: Showing Dialog Boxes
- Creating a Simple Dialog Box
- Adding icons to a dialog box
- Defining the number and type of command buttons in a dialog box
- Which command button did the user select in a dialog box?
- Commonly Used Dialog Boxes
- Displaying the OpenFile dialog box
- Which file did the user choose from an OpenFile dialog box?
- Displaying a SaveFile dialog box
- Which file did the user choose from a Save As dialog box?
- Displaying a Color dialog box
- Which color did the user choose from the Color dialog box?
- Displaying a Font dialog box
- Which options did the user choose from the Font dialog box?
- Displaying a Print dialog box
- Displaying a PageSetup dialog box
Part V: Making Decisions and Getting Loopy
- Chapter 14: Writing Event-Handling Procedures
- Working with the Code Editor
- Expanding and collapsing BASIC code
- Types of Events
- Creating event-handling procedures
- Getting to know the parts of event-handling procedures
- Splitting the code editor in half
- Using the Code Editor
- Viewing Different Event Procedures
- Writing an Event-Handling Procedure
- Retrieving data from the user
- Calculating a result from the data
- Displaying a result to the user
- The event-handling procedure that every program needs
- Chapter 15: Using Variables
- Reading Data
- Understanding Values and Variables
- Using variables
- Assigning numbers to variables
- Assigning strings to variables
- Assigning variables to other variables
- Assigning an object's property to a variable (and vice versa)
- Understanding the Scope of Your Variables
- Block variables
- Procedure variables
- Module variables
- Namespace variables
- Using Variables to Represent Objects
- Chapter 16: Getting Data from the User
- Retrieving Strings from the Text Property
- Checking the Checked Property
- Getting a Number from the Value Property
- Selecting Multiple Items in a List Box or Combo Box
- How many items did the user select?
- Retrieving the items the user selected
- Chapter 17: Math 101: Arithmetic, Logical, and Comparison Operators
- Arithmetic and Concatenation Operators
- Adding two numbers with the + operator
- Subtracting two numbers with the operator
- Negating numbers with the operator
- Multiplying two numbers with the * operator
- Dividing two numbers with the / operator
- Dividing two numbers with the \ operator
- Dividing with the modulo ( Mod ) operator
- Calculating an exponential with the ^ operator
- Adding (concatenating) two strings with the & operator
- Converting data types
- Logical Operators
- Using the Not operator
- Using the And operator
- Using the Or operator
- Using the Xor operator
- Comparison Operators
- Comparing numbers and strings
- Comparing strings with the = and <> operators
- Comparing strings with the >, >=, <, and <= operators
- Working with Precedence
- Chapter 18: Strings and Things
- Counting the Length of a String
- Converting the Case of Strings
- Converting from UPPERCASE to lowercase
- Converting from lowercase to UPPERCASE
- Converting a string to Proper Case
- Trimming a String
- Trimming leading spaces from strings
- Trimming trailing spaces from strings
- Trimming both leading and trailing spaces from strings
- Extracting Stuff from a String
- Extracting characters from the front of a string
- Extracting characters from the end of a string
- Extracting characters from the middle of a string
- Searching (and Replacing) Your Strings
- Finding part of a string with another string
- Pattern-matching a string
- Replacing part of a string with another string
- Converting Strings and Values
- Converting a string into a number
- Converting a number into a string
- Converting a string into an equivalent ASCII value
- Converting an ANSI value into a string
- Chapter 19: Defining Constants and Using Comments
- Naming Constants
- Declaring Constants
- Calculating constants
- Using constants
- Defining the Scope of Constants
- Private (local) constants
- Module constants
- Public constants
- Using Comments
- Creating comments
- Comments for readability
- Comments for legibility
- Comments for disability
- Chapter 20: Storing Stuff in Data Structures
- Making an Array
- Stuffing data into an array
- Creating multidimensional arrays
- Resizing an array
- Creating a Structure
- Creating a variable to represent your structure
- Storing stuff in a structure
- Combining structures with arrays
- Tossing Stuff in a Collection
- Adding stuff to a collection
- Counting the number of items in a collection
- Retrieving stuff from a collection
- Removing stuff from a collection
- Chapter 21: Killing Bugs
- Types of Bugs
- Syntax errors
- Run-time errors
- Logic errors
- Bug Hunting
- Realizing that your program has a bug
- Finding the bug
- Finding what's causing the bug
- Squashing the bug
- Setting an Error Trap
- How Visual Basic .NET Tracks and Kills Bugs
- Stepping through a program line by line
- Setting breakpoints
- Watching your variables
Part VI: Writing Subprograms (So You Don't Go Crazy All at Once)
- Chapter 22: Making Decisions with If-Then Statements
- Understanding Boolean Values
- Assigning a Boolean value to a variable
- Assigning a Boolean value to an expression
- The If-Then Statement
- The If-Then-End If Statement
- If-Then-Else Statement
- The If-Then-ElseIf Statement
- Making multiple choices with If-Then-ElseIf
- Making sure that the computer follows at least one set of instructions
- Nesting If-Then Statements
- Chapter 23: The Select Case Statement
- Using the Select Case Statement
- Using the Select Case Statement with Comparison Operators
- Making Sure the Computer Follows at Least One Set of Instructions
- Nesting Case Statements
- Chapter 24: Repeating Yourself with Loops
- Looping Zero or More Times
- Using a Do-While loop
- Using a Do-Until loop
- Looping at Least Once
- Using a Do-Loop Until loop
- Using a Do-Loop While loop
- Comparing Your Loop Choices
- Chapter 25: For-Next Loops That Can Count
- How the For-Next Loop Works
- Counting Backward and Forward
- Use Caution When Using a For-Next Loop with the Step Increment
- When to Use a For-Next Loop
- Chapter 26: Nested Loops and Quick Exits
- Nesting Your Loops
- Tips for Using Nested Loops
- Making Quick Exits from Loops
Part VII: Understanding Object-Oriented Programming
- Chapter 27: General Procedures (Subprograms That Everyone Can Share)
- Understanding Module Files
- Creating General Procedures
- Creating a general procedure in a form file
- Creating and saving a general procedure in a module file
- Naming a General Procedure
- Calling a General Procedure
- Chapter 28: Passing Arguments
- Why Use Arguments?
- Sending Arguments to a Procedure
- Accepting Arguments
- Passing arguments by value
- Defining multiple arguments
- Problems with Sending Arguments
- Giving the wrong number of arguments
- Giving the wrong type of arguments
- Quitting a Procedure Prematurely
- Chapter 29: Functions, a Unique Type of Subprogram
- How to Create a Function
- Creating a function in a form file
- Creating and saving a function in a module file
- Assigning a Value to a Function
- Calling Functions
- Defining a Function as a Certain Data Type
- Defining argument types
- Problems sending arguments
- Quitting a Function Prematurely
Part VIII: The Part of Tens
- Chapter 30: What the Heck Is Object-Oriented Programming?
- The Divide and Conquer Method of Structured Programming
- Dividing a large program into multiple subprograms
- Declaring variables and data types
- Using sequential, branching, or looping commands
- Object-Oriented Programming to the Rescue (Sort of)
- Encapsulation: Isolating your data and commands
- Inheriting reusable code
- Overloading existing code
- Chapter 31: Getting Some Class with Object-Oriented Programming
- Using Object-Oriented Programming in Visual Basic .NET
- Creating a class file
- Defining an object
- Declaring your variables
- Defining an object's properties
- Writing an object's methods
- Designing a class on paper
- Using a Class Module in a Visual Basic .NET Program
- Creating an object
- Using an object
- Try Class Modules Yourself
- Chapter 32: Using Inheritance and Overloading
- Why Use Inheritance?
- Visual Inheritance: Copying a Form
- Inheriting Code
- Overriding Properties and Methods
- Try Inheritance and Overriding Yourself
- Chapter 33: Ten Visual Basic .NET Topics That Didn't Fit Anywhere Else
- Buy, Read, or Steal Visual Basic Programmer's Journal
- Spend a Bundle of Money and Get a Visual Basic .NET Newsletter
- Visit a Web Site Dedicated to Visual Basic .NET
- Attend a Visual Basic .NET Technical Conference
- Shop from Mail-Order Dealers
- Combine Visual Basic .NET with C# (and Other Programming Languages)
- Participate in a Visual Basic .NET Open Source Project
- Buy a Program to Create Help Files
- Buy a Program to Create Installation Disks
- Write BASIC Programs for the Macintosh, Linux, Palm OS, and the PocketPC
- Chapter 34: (Almost) Ten Tips for Using the Visual Basic .NET User Interface
- Playing with the Properties Windows (F4)
- Using the Solution Explorer (Ctrl+Alt+L)
- Customizing the Toolbox (Ctrl+Alt+X)
- Customizing a Tab in the Toolbox
- Adding Objects to a Custom Tab in the Toolbox
- Deleting a Tab in the Toolbox
- Looking at the Class View (Ctrl+Alt+C)
L'auteur - Wallace Wang
Wallace Wang est l'auteur de plus d'une quarantaine de livres sur l'univers informatique, comme Programmer pour les Nuls, VisuaBasic.NET pour les Nuls ou encore des titres sur la programmation Mac. Il est également comédien amateur, membre d'une troupe théâtrale.
Autres livres de Wallace Wang
Caractéristiques techniques
Éditeur(s) | IDG |
Auteur(s) | Wallace Wang |
Parution | 23/01/2002 |
Nb. de pages | 400 |
Format | 18,6 x 23,4 |
Couverture | Broché |
Poids | 750g |
Intérieur | Noir et Blanc |
EAN13 | 9780764508677 |
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