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Unified modelling language reference manual
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Unified modelling language reference manual

Unified modelling language reference manual

James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson, Grady Booch - Collection Object technology series

Parution le 28/01/1999


This book is intended to be a complete and usable reference to the Unified Modeling Language for the developer, architect, project manager, system engineer, programmer, analyst, contracting officer, customer, or anyone else who needs to specify, design, build, or understand complex software systems. It provides a full reference to the concepts and constructs of UML, including their semantics, syntax, notation, and purpose. It is organized to be a convenient but thorough reference for the working professional developer. It also attempts to provide additional detail about issues that may not be clear from the standards documents and to provide a rationale for many of the decisions that went into the UML language.

This book is not intended as a guide to the UML standards documents or to the internal structure of the metamodel contained in them. The details of the metamodel are of interest to methodologists or UML tool builders but most other developers have little need to deal with the arcane details of the OMG documents; this book provides all the details of UML that most developers need. For those who do wish to consult the source documents, they are included on the accompanying CD. This book provides a useful guide and in many cases makes explicit information that must otherwise be sought between the lines of the original documents.

This book is intended as a reference for those who already have some understanding of object-oriented technology. For beginners, the original books by the authors of this book and by other authors are listed in the bibliography; although some of the notation has changed, books such as [Rumbaugh-91], [Booch-94], [Jacobson-92], or [Meyer-88] provide an introduction to object-oriented concepts that is still valid and which is therefore unnecessary to duplicate here. For a tutorial introduction to UML that is useful for someone without previous object-oriented method experience, see the The Unified Modeling Language User Guide [Booch-99] by the authors of this book. Those who already know an object-oriented method, such as OMT, Booch, Objectory, Coad-Yourdon, or Fusion, should be able to read this book directly and use it to understand UML notation and semantics, but to learn UML quickly they may nevertheless find it useful to read the User Guide.

UML does not require the use of a particular development process and this book does not describe one. Although UML may be used with a variety of development processes, it was designed to support an iterative, incremental, use-casedriven process with a strong architectural focus, the kind that we feel is most suitable for the development of modern, complex systems. The other companion book by us, The Unified Software Development Process [Jacobson-99], describes the kind of process that we believe complements the UML and best supports software development.

The accompanying CD-ROM contains a hyperlinked PDF version of the book and provides the means for finding information related to every aspect of UML.

L'auteur - James Rumbaugh

James Rumbaugh, IBM Distinguished Engineer, Ivar Jacobson, fondateur de JacZone et Grady Booch, IBM Fellow, sont les créateurs d'UML. Ils sont reconnus à l'échelle mondiale pour leurs nombreuses et importantes contributions à la création de la technologie de développement orientée objet et notamment à OMT (Object Modeling Technique), OOSE (Object Oriented Software Engineering) et la méthode Booch.

L'auteur - Ivar Jacobson

Dr. Ivar Jacobson,Vice President of Business Engineering, is the inventor of the OOSE method, and he is also the founder of Objectory AB in Sweden, which recently merged with Rational Software Corporation. Dr. Jacobson is the principal author of two influential and best-selling books Object-Oriented Software Engineering--A Use Case Driven Approach (Computer Language Productivity award winner in 1992) and The Object Advantage--Business Process Reengineering with Object Technology. He has also authored several widely referenced papers on object technology. One of the most famous papers is his first OOPSLA '87 paper entitled "Object-Oriented Development in an Industrial Environment," which presented the first truly object-oriented method ever published. Ivar Jacobson's use-case driven approachhas had a very strong impact on the entireOOAD industry, and he himself has become one of its "icons." Consequently, he isa frequently invited keynote speaker and panelist, debating OOAD topics withcolleagues and methodologists such as Grady Booch, Jim Rumbaugh, StevenMellor, and Rebecca Wirfs-Brock at major OO conferences around the world.

He is well known for his pioneering work and more than 20 years of experience inusing object methods for the design of large real-time systems. His earlyobject-based design technique has evolved into the international standardITU(formerly CCITT)/SDL.

Dr. Jacobson also regularly serves on the OOPSLA, ECOOP, and TOOLSprogram committees, and he is a member of the advisory board of the Journal ofObject-Oriented Programming.

In 1994, Ivar Jacobson received the first Swedish Computer Association (SCA)award (the Kjell Hultman prize) for "extraordinary achievement in promotingefficiency and productivity in the development and use of informationtechnology."

L'auteur - Grady Booch

Grady Booch, directeur scientifique chez Rational, est reconnu par la Communauté internationale du développement logiciel pour son travail sur la technologie orientée objet. Il est l'un des principaux collaborateurs des revues Report on Object Oriented Analysis and Design et Object Magazine. Il est l'auteur pour Addison-Wesley de plusieurs best-sellers sur le génie logiciel et le développement objet.

Caractéristiques techniques

Éditeur(s) Addison Wesley
Auteur(s) James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson, Grady Booch
Collection Object technology series
Parution 28/01/1999
EAN13 9780201309980


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