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Unified Modeling Language User Guide
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Librairie Eyrolles - Paris 5e

Unified Modeling Language User Guide

Unified Modeling Language User Guide

Covers UML 2.0

Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson - Collection Object technology

500 pages, parution le 06/07/2005 (2eme édition)


For nearly ten years, the Unified Modeling Language (UML) has been the industry standard for visualizing, specifying, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of a software-intensive system. As the de facto standard modeling language, the UML facilitates communication and reduces confusion among project stakeholders. The recent standardization of UML 2.0 has further extended the language's scope and viability. Its inherent expressiveness allows users to model everything from enterprise information systems and distributed Web-based applications to real-time embedded systems.

In this eagerly anticipated revision of the best-selling and definitive guide to the use of the UML, the creators of the language provide a tutorial to its core aspects in a two-color format designed to facilitate learning. Starting with an overview of the UML, the book explains the language gradually by introducing a few concepts and notations in each chapter. It also illustrates the application of the UML to complex modeling problems across a variety of application domains. The in-depth coverage and example-driven approach that made the first edition of The Unified Modeling Language User Guide an indispensable resource remain unchanged. However, content has been thoroughly updated to reflect changes to notation and usage required by UML 2.0.

Highlights include:

  • A new chapter on components and internal structure, including significant new capabilities for building encapsulated designs
  • New details and updated coverage of provided and required interfaces, collaborations, and UML profiles
  • Additions and changes to discussions of sequence diagrams, activity diagrams, and more
  • Coverage of many other changes introduced by the UML 2.0 specification
  • With this essential guide, you will quickly get up to speed on the latest features of the industry standard modeling language and be able to apply them to your next software project.

L'auteur - Grady Booch

Grady Booch, directeur scientifique chez Rational, est reconnu par la Communauté internationale du développement logiciel pour son travail sur la technologie orientée objet. Il est l'un des principaux collaborateurs des revues Report on Object Oriented Analysis and Design et Object Magazine. Il est l'auteur pour Addison-Wesley de plusieurs best-sellers sur le génie logiciel et le développement objet.

L'auteur - James Rumbaugh

James Rumbaugh, IBM Distinguished Engineer, Ivar Jacobson, fondateur de JacZone et Grady Booch, IBM Fellow, sont les créateurs d'UML. Ils sont reconnus à l'échelle mondiale pour leurs nombreuses et importantes contributions à la création de la technologie de développement orientée objet et notamment à OMT (Object Modeling Technique), OOSE (Object Oriented Software Engineering) et la méthode Booch.

L'auteur - Ivar Jacobson

Dr. Ivar Jacobson,Vice President of Business Engineering, is the inventor of the OOSE method, and he is also the founder of Objectory AB in Sweden, which recently merged with Rational Software Corporation. Dr. Jacobson is the principal author of two influential and best-selling books Object-Oriented Software Engineering--A Use Case Driven Approach (Computer Language Productivity award winner in 1992) and The Object Advantage--Business Process Reengineering with Object Technology. He has also authored several widely referenced papers on object technology. One of the most famous papers is his first OOPSLA '87 paper entitled "Object-Oriented Development in an Industrial Environment," which presented the first truly object-oriented method ever published. Ivar Jacobson's use-case driven approachhas had a very strong impact on the entireOOAD industry, and he himself has become one of its "icons." Consequently, he isa frequently invited keynote speaker and panelist, debating OOAD topics withcolleagues and methodologists such as Grady Booch, Jim Rumbaugh, StevenMellor, and Rebecca Wirfs-Brock at major OO conferences around the world.

He is well known for his pioneering work and more than 20 years of experience inusing object methods for the design of large real-time systems. His earlyobject-based design technique has evolved into the international standardITU(formerly CCITT)/SDL.

Dr. Jacobson also regularly serves on the OOPSLA, ECOOP, and TOOLSprogram committees, and he is a member of the advisory board of the Journal ofObject-Oriented Programming.

In 1994, Ivar Jacobson received the first Swedish Computer Association (SCA)award (the Kjell Hultman prize) for "extraordinary achievement in promotingefficiency and productivity in the development and use of informationtechnology."


  • Getting Started
    • Why We Model
    • Introducing the UML
    • Hello, World!
  • Basic Structural Modeling
    • Classes
    • Relationships
    • Common Mechanisms
    • Diagrams
    • Class Diagrams
  • Advanced Structural Modeling
    • Advanced Classes
    • Advanced Relationships
    • Interfaces, Types, and Roles
    • Packages
    • Instances
    • Object Diagrams
  • Basic Behavioral Modeling
    • Interactions
    • Use Cases
    • Use Case Diagrams
    • Interaction Diagrams
    • Activity Diagrams
  • Advanced Behavioral Modeling
    • Events and Signals
    • State Machines
    • Processes and Threads
    • Time and Space
    • Statechart Diagrams
  • Architectural Modeling
    • Components
    • Deployment
    • Collaborations
    • Patterns and Frameworks
    • Component Diagrams
    • Deployment Diagrams
    • Systems and Models
  • Wrapping Up
    • Applying the UML
    • App. A UML Notation
    • App. B UML Standard Elements
    • App. C Rational Unified Process
    • Glossary
Voir tout

Caractéristiques techniques

Éditeur(s) Addison Wesley
Auteur(s) Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson
Collection Object technology
Parution 06/07/2005
Édition  2eme édition
Nb. de pages 500
Format 19 x 24
Couverture Relié
Poids 1180g
Intérieur Noir et Blanc
EAN13 9780321267979
ISBN13 978-0-321-26797-9


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