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The Tomes of Delphi 3 : Win32 Core API
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Librairie Eyrolles - Paris 5e

The Tomes of Delphi 3 : Win32 Core API

The Tomes of Delphi 3 : Win32 Core API

John Ayres, David Bowden, Larry Diehl

788 pages, parution le 15/12/1997


The Tomes Of Delphi: Win32 Core API is a concise, detailed reference manual for using 32 bit Windows API functions in the Delphi 3 development environment. This book describes the core Win32 API functions, those functions that lie at the heart of every Windows application, and includes chapters on window creation, window information retrieval, input functions, file input and output, processes and threads, dynamic link libraries, system information, strings and atoms, and registry manipulation. Each chapter is filled with working examples, with each and every API function used in an example to demonstrate its functionality. The layout of function descriptions allows the developer to quickly glance at a function to learn its syntax and parameters, offering progressively more detailed information further into the function description. Intermediate to advanced Delphi developers with considerable Windows programming experience are ideally targeted for this title. The CD includes all of the projects and example code found in the book, bonus programs, shareware, freeware, and a help file containing every function description from the book. Of particular importance though is the inclusions of evaluation versions of many retail software products, including DemoShield 5.1, InstallShield Express Professional Version 2.0, The InstallShield Version 5.0 Free Edition, InstallShield 5.0 Evaluation Version, SkyLine Tools Evaluation Software, and a complete free retail version of PackageForTheWeb. CD Included. Features: This book is the "only" source for detailed coverage of the Win32 API specifically targeted to the Delphi developer. It contains updated and corrected Win32 API function information not found in the Win32 SDK help file that ships with either Borland's Delphi 3 or C++ Builder. Delphi developers will gain a better understanding of using the Win32 API in the Delphi environment through the use of working example code and detailed Object Pascal specific function descriptions. Beginning and advanced Delphi programmers alike will benefit from the heavily documented examples. This Delphi 3 title includes an especially detailed index for ease of use as a comprehensive reference.

About the Authors                                  xvii
Acknowledgments                                    xix
Foreword                                           xxi
Introduction                                       xxiii
The Featured Chapters                              xxiv
Conventions                                        xxvi
Function Descriptions                              xxvi
Sample Programs                                    xxvii
The CD-ROM                                         xxvii
Who This Book is For                               xxviii
  Chapter 1  Delphi and the Windows API            1
    The Windows API Versus the VCL                 1
    Windows Data Types                             1
      Handles                                      4
      Constants                                    4
      Strings                                      4
    Importing Windows Functions                    4
      Incorrectly Imported Functions               5
    Callback Functions                             5
    Function Parameters                            6
    Unicode                                        7
  Chapter 2  Windows 95 Logo Requirements and      9
    Getting a Logo                                 12
    Product Categories                             13
    Taking the Test                                14
      Product Reliability (Basic Requirements)     15
      User Experience                              16
      General Accessibility Requirements and       30
      Application Compatibility                    33
  Chapter 3  Window Creation Functions             35
    Creating Windows: The Basic Steps              35
    The Window Procedure                           37
    Hardcore Windows Programming                   38
    Window Types                                   40
    Multiple Document Interface                    41
    Extending Functionality                        47
    Window Creation and Registration Functions     50
      CreateMDIWindow                              51
      CreateWindow                                 54
      CreateWindowEx                               72
      DestroyWindow                                78
      RegisterClass                                79
      RegisterClassEx                              84
      UnregisterClass                              85
  Chapter 4  Message Processing Functions          87
    The Message Queue and Message Loop             87
    Windows Hooks                                  88
    Interprocess Communication                     89
    Message Processing Functions                   89
      BroadcastSystemMessage                       90
      CallNextHookEx                               92
      CallWindowProc                               93
      DefFrameProc                                 96
      DefMDIChildProc                              101
      DefWindowProc                                102
      DispatchMessage                              103
      GetMessage                                   104
      GetMessageExtraInfo                          107
      GetMessagePos                                109
      GetMessageTime                               109
      GetQueueStatus                               110
      InSendMessage                                112
      PeekMessage                                  113
      PostMessage                                  115
      PostQuitMessage                              118
      PostThreadMessage                            118
      RegisterWindowMessage                        120
      ReplyMessage                                 122
      SendMessage                                  123
      SendMessageCallback                          124
      SendMessageTimeout                           126
      SendNotifyMessage                            130
      SetMessageExtraInfo                          132
      SetWindowsHookEx                             132
      TranslateMessage                             153
      UnhookWindowsHookEx                          154
      WaitMessage                                  154
  Chapter 5  Window Information Functions          157
    Information Storage                            157
    Window Specific Information                    158
    Subclassing a Window                           159
    Knowing It All                                 160
    Window Information Functions                   167
      AnyPopup                                     169
      ChildWindowFromPoint                         169
      ChildWindowFromPointEx                       171
      EnableWindow                                 172
      EnumChildWindows                             174
      EnumProps                                    176
      EnumPropsEx                                  179
      EnumThreadWindows                            182
      EnumWindows                                  184
      FindWindow                                   186
      FindWindowEx                                 187
      FlashWindow                                  188
      GetActiveWindow                              189
      GetClassInfo                                 190
      GetClassInfoEx                               192
      GetClassLong                                 195
      GetClassName                                 197
      GetClientRect                                198
      GetDesktopWindow                             199
      GetFocus                                     200
      GetForegroundWindow                          201
      GetNextWindow                                202
      GetParent                                    204
      GetProp                                      205
      GetTopWindow                                 205
      GetWindow                                    206
      GetWindowLong                                208
      GetWindowRect                                211
      GetWindowText                                212
      GetWindowTextLength                          213
      IsChild                                      214
      IsIconic                                     215
      IsWindow                                     216
      IsWindowEnabled                              217
      IsWindowUnicode                              217
      IsWindowVisible                              218
      IsZoomed                                     219
      RemoveProp                                   220
      SetActiveWindow                              221
      SetClassLong                                 222
      SetFocus                                     223
      SetForegroundWindow                          224
      SetParent                                    225
      SetProp                                      226
      SetWindowLong                                227
      SetWindowText                                229
      WindowsFromPoint                             230
  Chapter 6  Process and Thread Functions          233
    Processes                                      233
    Threads                                        233
    Critical Section                               234
    Semaphores                                     234
    Mutexes                                        234
    Events                                         234
    Interlocked Variables                          235
    Priority Levels                                235
    Process and Thread Functions                   235
      CreateEvent                                  237
      CreateMutex                                  240
      CreateProcess                                243
      CreateSemaphore                              247
      CreateThread                                 251
      DeleteCriticalSection                        252
      DuplicateHandle                              252
      EnterCriticalSection                         256
      ExitProcess                                  257
      ExitThread                                   258
      GetCurrentProcess                            259
      GetCurrentProcessId                          259
      GetCurrentThread                             260
      GetCurrentThreadId                           260
      GetExitCodeProcess                           261
      GetExitCodeThread                            262
      GetPriorityClass                             263
      GetThreadPriority                            266
      GetWindowThreadProcessId                     268
      InitializeCriticalSection                    269
      InterlockedDecrement                         271
      InterlockedExchange                          273
      InterlockedIncrement                         274
      LeaveCriticalSection                         274
      OpenEvent                                    275
      OpenMutex                                    276
      OpenProcess                                  277
      OpenSemaphore                                280
      PulseEvent                                   281
      ReleaseMutex                                 282
      ReleaseSemaphore                             283
      ResetEvent                                   283
      ResumeThread                                 284
      SetEvent                                     285
      SetPriorityClass                             285
      SetThreadPriority                            287
      Sleep                                        288
      SuspendThread                                288
      TerminateProcess                             289
      TerminateThread                              290
      TlsAlloc                                     292
      TlsFree                                      294
      TlsGetValue                                  295
      TlsSetValue                                  295
      WaitForInputIdle                             296
      WaitForSingleObject                          297
  Chapter 7  Dynamic Link Library Functions        301
    Importing/Exporting Functions                  301
    Calling Conventions                            302
    The Dynamic Link Library Entry Point           302
    Dynamic Link Library Functions                 303
      DLLEntrypoint                                303
      DisableThreadLibraryCalls                    304
      FreeLibrary                                  305
      FreeLibraryAndExitThread                     306
      GetModuleFileName                            309
      GetModuleHandle                              310
      GetProcAddress                               311
      LoadLibrary                                  311
      LoadLibraryEx                                315
  Chapter 8  Initialization File and Registry      319
    Initialization Files                           319
    The Registry                                   320
    Initialization File and Registry Functions     320
      GetPrivateProfileInt                         321
      GetPrivateProfileSection                     322
      GetPrivateProfileSectionNames                323
      GetPrivateProfileString                      325
      GetPrivateProfileStruct                      327
      GetProfileInt                                328
      GetProfileSection                            329
      GetProfileString                             330
      RegCloseKey                                  331
      RegCreateKeyEx                               332
      RegDeleteKey                                 335
      RegDeleteValue                               336
      RegEnumKeyEx                                 338
      RegEnumValue                                 340
      RegFlushKey                                  343
      RegLoadKey                                   344
      RegOpenKeyEx                                 346
      RegQueryInfoKey                              348
      RegQueryValueEx                              350
      RegReplaceKey                                352
      RegSaveKey                                   354
      RegSetValueEx                                355
      RegUnLoadKey                                 357
      WritePrivateProfileSection                   358
      WritePrivateProfileString                    361
      WritePrivateProfileStruct                    362
      WriteProfileSection                          365
      WriteProfileString                           367
  Chapter 9  Memory Management Functions           369
    API Versus Delphi                              369
    The Win32 Virtual Memory Architecture          369
    Categories of Memory Allocation Functions      370
    Heaps                                          370
    The 16-Bit Memory Functions                    371
    Virtual Memory                                 371
    Three States of Memory                         372
    How Much Memory is Really There?               372
    Multiple Heaps                                 373
    Error Trapping                                 373
    Thread Access                                  373
    Speed                                          374
    Memory Management Functions                    375
      CopyMemory                                   376
      FillMemory                                   377
      GetProcessHeap                               378
      GlobalAlloc                                  379
      GlobalDiscard                                382
      GlobalFlags                                  382
      GlobalFree                                   383
      GlobalHandle                                 384
      GlobalLock                                   385
      GlobalMemoryStatus                           385
      GlobalReAlloc                                388
      GlobalSize                                   391
      GlobalUnlock                                 392
      HeapAlloc                                    392
      HeapCreate                                   395
      HeapDestroy                                  396
      HeapFree                                     397
      HeapReAlloc                                  398
      HeapSize                                     399
      IsBadCodePtr                                 400
      IsBadReadPtr                                 401
      IsBadStringPtr                               402
      IsBadWritePtr                                404
      LocalAlloc                                   405
      LocalDiscard                                 407
      LocalFlags                                   408
      LocalFree                                    408
      LocalHandle                                  409
      LocalLock                                    410
      LocalReAlloc                                 410
      LocalSize                                    414
      LocalUnlock                                  415
      MoveMemory                                   415
      VirtualAlloc                                 417
      VirtualFree                                  421
      VirtualProtect                               423
      VirtualQuery                                 425
      ZeroMemory                                   427
  Chapter 10  Clipboard Manipulation Functions     429
    Clipboard Internals                            429
    Conversion Formats                             430
    Delayed Rendering                              430
    Clipboard Viewers                              433
    Clipboard Manipulation Functions               433
      ChangeClipboardChain                         434
      CloseClipboard                               435
      CountClipboardFormats                        435
      EmptyClipboard                               436
      EnumClipboardFormats                         436
      GetClipboardData                             439
      GetClipboardFormatName                       441
      GetClipboardOwner                            442
      GetClipboardViewer                           442
      GetOpenClipboardWindow                       443
      GetPriorityClipboardFormat                   444
      IsClipboardFormatAvailable                   445
      OpenClipboard                                446
      RegisterClipboardFormat                      447
      SetClipboardData                             448
      SetClipboardViewer                           452
  Chapter 11  Input Functions                      457
    The Keyboard                                   457
    The Mouse                                      457
    Input Functions                                458
      ActivateKeyboardLayout                       459
      ClipCursor                                   460
      DragDetect                                   461
      GetAsyncKeyState                             463
      GetCapture                                   463
      GetCaretBlinkTime                            464
      GetCaretPos                                  464
      GetClipCursor                                465
      GetCursorPos                                 465
      GetDoubleClickTime                           466
      GetInputState                                467
      GetKeyboardLayout                            467
      GetKeyboardLayoutList                        468
      GetKeyboardLayoutName                        469
      GetKeyboardState                             469
      GetKeyboardType                              470
      GetKeyNameText                               472
      GetKeyState                                  474
      keybd_event                                  476
      joyGetDevCaps                                478
      joyGetNumDevs                                480
      joyGetPos                                    481
      joyGetPosEx                                  482
      joyGetThreshold                              485
      joyReleaseCapture                            486
      joySetCapture                                486
      joySetThreshold                              490
      LoadKeyboardLayout                           491
      MapVirtualKey                                494
      MapVirtualKeyEx                              497
      mouse_event                                  498
      OemKeyScan                                   501
      ReleaseCapture                               502
      SetCapture                                   502
      SetCaretBlinkTime                            503
      SetCaretPos                                  504
      SetCursorPos                                 505
      SetDoubleClickTime                           506
      SetKeyboardState                             506
      SwapMouseButton                              507
      UnloadKeyboardLayout                         510
      VkKeyScan                                    511
      VkKeyScanEx                                  512
  Chapter 12  File Input/Output Functions          515
    File Creation                                  515
    File Times                                     515
    File Input/Output Functions                    516
      CloseHandle                                  518
      CompareFileTime                              519
      CopyFile                                     521
      CreateDirectory                              523
      CreateDirectoryEx                            526
      CreateFile                                   527
      CreateFileMapping                            533
      DeleteFile                                   539
      DosDateTimeToFileTime                        539
      FileTimeToDosDateTime                        541
      FileTimeToLocalFileTime                      542
      FileTimeToSystemTime                         542
      FindClose                                    547
      FindCloseChangeNotification                  548
      FindFirstChangeNotification                  548
      FindFirstFile                                551
      FindNextChangeNotification                   555
      FindNextFile                                 556
      FlushFileBuffers                             557
      FlushViewOfFile                              557
      GetCurrentDirectory                          558
      GetFileAttributes                            559
      GetFileInformationByHandle                   560
      GetFileSize                                  563
      GetFileTime                                  564
      GetFileType                                  565
      GetFileVersionInfo                           566
      GetFileVersionInfoSize                       567
      GetFullPathName                              567
      GetShortPathName                             568
      GetTempFileName                              569
      GetTempPath                                  571
      LocalFileTimeToFileTime                      572
      LockFile                                     573
      MapViewOfFile                                574
      MoveFile                                     575
      OpenFileMapping                              576
      ReadFile                                     577
      RemoveDirectory                              579
      SearchPath                                   580
      SetCurrentDirectory                          581
      SetEndOfFile                                 582
      SetFileAttributes                            582
      SetFilePointer                               586
      SetFileTime                                  588
      SystemTimeToFileTime                         589
      UnlockFile                                   590
      UnmapViewOfFile                              591
      VerQueryValue                                591
      WriteFile                                    599
  Chapter 13  String and Atom Functions            601
    Atom Tables                                    601
    String Conversions                             602
    String Formatting                              603
    String and Atom Functions                      603
      AddAtom                                      604
      CharLower                                    606
      CharLowerBuff                                608
      CharNext                                     608
      CharPrev                                     609
      CharToOem                                    610
      CharToOemBuff                                611
      CharUpper                                    612
      CharUpperBuff                                613
      CompareString                                614
      DeleteAtom                                   618
      EnumSystemCodePages                          619
      EnumSystemLocales                            621
      FindAtom                                     623
      FormatMessage                                624
      GetACP                                       631
      GetAtomName                                  632
      GetCPInfo                                    633
      GetDateFormat                                634
      GetOEMCP                                     638
      GetTimeFormat                                640
      GlobalAddAtom                                643
      GlobalDeleteAtom                             645
      GlobalFindAtom                               646
      GlobalGetAtomName                            646
      InitAtomTable                                647
      IsCharAlpha                                  648
      IsCharAlphaNumeric                           649
      IsCharLower                                  649
      IsCharUpper                                  650
      Istrcat                                      650
      Istrcmp                                      652
      Istrcmpi                                     653
      Istrcpy                                      655
      Istrlen                                      656
      MakeIntAtom                                  656
      OemToChar                                    658
      OemToCharBuff                                658
      ToAscii                                      659
      wvsprintf                                    661
  Chapter 14  System Information Functions         667
    Accessibility Features                         667
    System Information Functions                   668
      ExpandEnvironmentStrings                     670
      FreeEnvironmentStrings                       671
      GetCommandLine                               671
      GetComputerName                              672
      GetDiskFreeSpace                             673
      GetDriveType                                 675
      GetEnvironmentStrings                        676
      GetEnvironmentVariable                       678
      GetLocaleInfo                                678
      GetLocalTime                                 686
      GetLogicalDrives                             687
      GetLogicalDriveStrings                       689
      GetStartupInfo                               689
      GetSystemDefaultLangID                       691
      GetSystemDefaultLCID                         692
      GetSystemDirectory                           693
      GetSystemInfo                                694
      GetSystemTime                                698
      GetSystemTimeAsFileTime                      699
      GetTimeZoneInformation                       700
      GetUserDefaultLangID                         702
      GetUserDefaultLCID                           703
      GetUserName                                  703
      GetVersionEx                                 705
      GetVolumeInformation                         707
      GetWindowsDirectory                          709
      SetComputerName                              710
      SetEnvironmentVariable                       711
      SetLocaleInfo                                713
      SetLocalTime                                 716
      SetSystemTime                                718
      SetVolumeLabel                               720
      SystemParametersInfo                         721
      VerLanguageName                              746
  Chapter 15  Timer Functions                      751
    Emulating a Timer                              752
    Precise Timing                                 754
    Windows Timer Functions                        755
      GetTickCount                                 756
      KillTimer                                    756
      QueryPerformanceCounter                      758
      QueryPerformanceFrequency                    759
      SetTimer                                     760
  Chapter 16  Error Functions                      763
    Error Descriptions                             763
    Audible Error Cues                             764
    Windows Error Functions                        765
      Beep                                         765
      ExitWindows                                  766
      ExitWindowsEx                                767
      FatalAppExit                                 769
      GetLastError                                 770
      MessageBeep                                  771
      SetLastError                                 772
Appendix  Bibliography                             773
Index                                              774
CD Usage License Agreement                         787
On the CD-ROM                                      788

L'auteur - John Ayres

John Ayres works at American Microsystems, a manufacturer of bar code scanning technology, in Dallas, Texas. He is a former officer of the Delphi Developers of Dallas users group and is the author of The Tomes of Delphi: Win32 Core API—Windows 2000 Edition and Delphi Graphics and Game Programming Exposed! with DirectX 7.0.

Caractéristiques techniques

Éditeur(s) Wordware Publishing, Inc
Auteur(s) John Ayres, David Bowden, Larry Diehl
Parution 15/12/1997
Nb. de pages 788
Couverture Broché
Intérieur Noir et Blanc
EAN13 9781556225567


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