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Taming Jaguar
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Librairie Eyrolles - Paris 5e

Taming Jaguar

Taming Jaguar

Michael J. Barlotta, Jason R. Weiss

345 pages, parution le 01/07/2000


This is a practical book that takes developers and administrators familiar with Jaguar CTS and PowerDynamo and answers real-world questions that are most commonly encountered when writing an application. Topics include component development, load balancing/high availability, Web development, and securing and administering within the "jungle" of these applications. It includes code samples and an in-depth look at the Jaguar repository and properties. This reference guide is organized in a Q&A format and includes many practical examples, and coverage of development tools extends to PowerJ and PowerSite. Source code downloads and technical support from the authors are available on publisher's Web site.


preface xix
acknowledgments xxiv
contacting the authors xxv
1 Becoming a Jaguar tamer 1
1.1 What should be done after installing Jaguar CTS? 2
1.2 What is a logical server? 3
1.3 What is in the serverstart.bat file? 7
1.4 How are packages moved from one Jaguar server to another? 10
1.5 How are packages imported and exported between Jaguar servers? 11
1.6 How can a Jaguar server be backed up? 13
1.7 What is a cluster? 14
1.8 How do I create a cluster? 15
1.9 What is synchronization? 17
Package synchronization 20 Component synchronization 20 Servlet synchronization 21 All Cluster Files synchronization 21 Remaining cluster options 22
1.10 What does rebinding a cluster do? 23
1.11 What are the cluster startup options? 24
1.12 What are the Admin and Ready modes? 25
1.13 Can synchronization be done outside a cluster? 25
1.14 How is a server added to a cluster? 27
1.15 How is a server removed from a cluster? 27
1.16 How is a cluster deleted? 28
1.17 What is load balancing? 28
1.18 How does Jaguar handle load balancing? 30
1.19 How is load balancing configured on Jaguar? 32
Random and round-robin 32 Weighted 33 Adaptive 33 Setting the load balancing policy 33
1.20 What is partitioning and how does it affect load balancing? 34
1.21 How can a Jaguar application be made highly available? 35
1.22 How do name servers detect when a Jaguar server goes down? 36
1.23 How do client applications access Jaguar for high availability? 37
1.24 How is automatic failover handled by Jaguar? 37
1.25 How is a cluster monitored? 38
1.26 How can I have more than one Jaguar server installed on a single machine? 38
1.27 What is a database sanity check? 39
1.28 What is JagRepair? 40
2 Designing components for the jungle 41
2.1 What is the Jungle Safari Shipping Company? 42
2.2 What are the different Jaguar component types? 43
2.3 What?s on a Component Properties Instances tab page? 44
2.4 What is the difference between stateful and stateless? 47
2.5 Is my component stateful or stateless? 50
2.6 How do I build a stateful component? 51
2.7 How do I build a stateless component? 52
The client caching design 53 The database caching design 54 The flat-file caching design 56 Shared component caching design 58
2.8 What is the Memento design pattern? 60
3 Are these magic beans? 63
3.1 What is EJB? 64
What is Java RMI? 65 What is JTA? 66 What is JNDI? 66 What is CORBA? 67 How do Java RMI, CORBA, and EJB come together? 68
3.2 What is an EJB component? 69
3.3 What is an Entity Bean? 73
3.4 How do I build an Entity Bean in PowerJ? 81
3.5 What is a Session Bean? 94
Stateful Session Beans 96 Stateless Session Beans 97
3.6 How do I build a Session Bean in PowerJ? 98
3.7 What are EJB transactions? 101
3.8 How does a client access an EJB? 106
3.9 How does a PowerJ client access an EJB component on Jaguar CTS? 108
3.10 How can I access an EJB component from PowerBuilder or a CORBA client? 110
4 Servicing the jungle 113
4.1 What is a service component? 114
4.2 What does the service component interface look like? 114
4.3 What are the start() method?s responsibilities? 115
4.4 What are the run() method?s responsibilities? 115
4.5 What are the stop() method?s responsibilities? 116
4.6 How should I define a service component?s properties? 116
4.7 How do I configure a Jaguar service? 117
4.8 How can I dictate the number of threads Jaguar should run on my service? 118
4.9 Why are services better implemented by Java, instead of PowerBuilder? 120
4.10 How do I control the execution frequency of a service component? 121
4.11 How can I communicate with a service component from a client connection? 122
4.12 How do I write a Java service component? 124
4.13 How do I write a PowerBuilder service component? 127
4.14 How do I add custom properties to a component? 128
4.15 How do I implement a shared component in Java? 129
5 Factory objects 130
5.1 What is the difference between interface and implementation? 131
5.2 How do I code to an interface instead of an implementation? 132
5.3 How do I specify an IDL interface? 136
5.4 What are the JaguarORB and CORBAObjects in PowerBuilder? 137
5.5 What is an ORB Factory? 141
5.6 How do I use an ORB factory inside PowerBuilder client? 142
5.7 What is the PowerJ InitialContext object? 146
5.8 How do I import Jaguar stubs into PowerJ? 147
5.9 How do I use the CORBA ORB factory inside of a PowerJ client? 148
6 Peering into the Jaguar interface repository 150
6.1 What is the interface repository? 151
6.2 What is the Jaguar repository? 151
6.3 What is the general structure of the Jaguar repository? 152
%JAGUAR%/Repository 153 %JAGUAR%/Repository/Cluster 153 %JAGUAR%/Repository/Component 153 %JAGUAR%/Repository/ConnCache 154 %JAGUAR%/Repository/IDL 154 %JAGUAR%/Repository/Listener 154 %JAGUAR%/Repository/Package 154 %JAGUAR%/Repository/Security 155 %JAGUAR%/Repository/Server 155 %JAGUAR%/Repository/Servlet 155
6.4 How do I use the Jaguar::Repository interface? 155
Generating the ?Jaguar? Package Proxies 156
6.5 How can I read the properties on an entity? 157
6.6 How can I use the keyword context service to read properties? 161
6.7 How can I create or modify the properties on an entity? 162
6.8 How can I look up all the entities installed on Jaguar? 164
6.9 How can I look up the interfaces a component implements? 167
6.10 What are the Jaguar management components? 168
6.11 How can I use Jaguar environment variables? 168
6.12 How do I access Jaguar environment variables? 168
6.13 How can a component determine the name of the server it is running in? 169
6.14 What server properties can be monitored remotely? 169
Component statistics 170 Connection cache statistics 171 HTTP/HTTPS network statistics 171 IIOP/IIOPS/TDS/TDSS Network Statistics 172 Request statistics 172 Session statistics 172 Cumulative statistics 173
6.15 How should I initialize my component, .ini files, or component properties? 173
6.16 How do I use CtsSecurity::AuthService for my own authentication service? 176
6.17 What is a PowerBuilder cookie? 178
7 Jaguar naming services 180
7.1 What are the Jaguar naming services? 181
7.2 How do I initialize my ORB to use naming services? 187
ORBNameServiceURL 188 ORBHttp 189 ORBLogIIOP 189 ORBLogFile 190 ORBCodeSet 190 ORBRetryCount 190 ORBRetryDelay 190 ORBProxyHost 190 ORBProxyPort 190 SocketReuseLimit 190 ORBClass 191 com.sybase.CORBA.local 191
7.3 How do I initialize the ORB in PowerBuilder? 191
7.4 How do I initialize the ORB in PowerJ? 192
7.5 How do I initialize the ORB in a Java applet? 192
8 What to do when your Jaguar is caught in the Web 193
8.1 What is the World Wide Web? 194
8.2 How does the Web work? 195
8.3 What is HTML? 196
8.4 What is a URL? 196
8.5 What is HTTP? 197
8.6 What is TCP/IP? 199
8.7 What is IP? 199
8.8 What is TCP? 200
8.9 What is a dynamic Web site? 201
8.10 What are CGI, NSAPI, and ISAPI? 202
8.11 How do I access Jaguar components from the Web? 204
8.12 What is PowerDynamo? 207
8.13 How do I set up a Web site in PowerDynamo? 210
Creating a connection profile 211 Adding a mapping 213
8.14 How do I configure a Web server to use PowerDynamo? 216
8.15 How does a web server know to use PowerDynamo? 216
8.16 What is a PowerDynamo template? 217
8.17 What is a Dynamo tag? 218
8.18 What is DynaScript? 218
8.19 How do I create a PowerDynamo template? 219
8.20 How do I turn off the directory listing? 221
8.21 How do I set the Default document? 223
8.22 How do I add DynaScript to a template? 225
8.23 How do I create a PowerDynamo script? 225
8.24 How do I import a script into the template? 227
8.25 How are page parameters passed? 227
8.26 How are page parameters received? 234
8.27 How can I set URL page parameter case-sensitivity? 236
8.28 How do I deal with special characters in a URL? 237
8.29 How are multiple values passed using the multiple SELECT tag or checkbox? 238
8.30 How do I get the values from a multiple SELECT tag or checkbox? 240
8.31 How do I redirect a document in PowerDynamo? 242
9 Jaguar and PowerDynamo 244
9.1 How is PowerDynamo 3.5 integrated with Jaguar CTS 3.5? 245
9.2 How does PowerDynamo access Jaguar CTS? 246
9.3 How do I configure PowerDynamo to use Jaguar CTS through Java? 248
9.4 How does PowerDynamo handle Jaguar connections? 251
9.5 How do I store state between requests in PowerDynamo? 254
Passing page parameters 255 The session object 255 Storing state in a database 257 Storing state in an object instance 257 Another look at storing state in an object instance 258
9.6 How does a script access a Jaguar component using Java and CORBA? 259
9.7 How does a script access a Jaguar component using Java and EJB? 263
9.8 How are Java properties accessed using the java object? 266
9.9 How are data types passed by reference using the java object? 268
9.10 How are binary, decimal, and date/time data types handled? 270
9.11 How is a structure passed from PowerDynamo to Jaguar (Java)? 271
9.12 How is a Java array handled in PowerDynamo? 273
9.13 How is a Tabular ResultSet used in PowerDynamo and the java object? 274
9.14 How does a PowerBuilder component generate a Tabular ResultSet? 277
9.15 How does a PowerJ component generate a Tabular ResultSet? 277
10 Java and Jaguar on the Web 279
10.1 What are Java applets? 280
10.2 What is the Java sandbox? 282
10.3 How do I write a Java applet? 285
10.4 How are applets embedded in HTML pages? 291
10.5 How do I access PARAM values in a Java applet? 292
10.6 How do I deploy a Java applet to Jaguar? 293
10.7 What are Java servlets? 296
10.8 How do Java servlets work? 298
10.9 How are Java servlets that are not thread-safe handled? 301
10.10 When do I use Java servlets over Jaguar components? 304
10.11 How do I write a Java servlet? 305
10.12 How are Java servlets deployed to Jaguar? 309
10.13 How is a Java servlet initialized? 312
10.14 How do I access input data in a Java servlet? 315
10.15 How do Java servlets access Jaguar components using CORBA? 316
10.16 How do Java servlets access Jaguar components using EJB? 320
10.17 How do servlets log messages? 320
10.18 How is state managed in a Java servlet? 320
10.19 How do Java servlets use database connection caches? 323
10.20 What do the Java servlet properties on Jaguar do? 323
10.21 What are Java Server Pages? 325

A Jaguar data types 327
B A look ahead at Jaguar CTS 3.6 330
C EAServer certification 333
index 337

L'auteur - Michael J. Barlotta

Michael J. Barlotta is the director of technology at AEGIS Consulting and a certified PowerBuilder developer. He is also the distributed technologies editor for the PowerBuilder Developer's Journal and the author of Distributed Application Development with PowerBuilder 6 and Jaguar Development with PowerBuilder 7. He lives in Alexandria, Virginia.

L'auteur - Jason R. Weiss

Jason R. Weiss is independent software consultant and a former certified PowerBuilder instructor, certified PowerBuilder developer, Microsoft Certified System Engineer, and Microsoft Certified Trainer. He lives in Sugar Land, Texas.

Caractéristiques techniques

Éditeur(s) Manning Publications
Auteur(s) Michael J. Barlotta, Jason R. Weiss
Parution 01/07/2000
Nb. de pages 345
Format 18,5 x 23,5
Couverture Broché
Poids 637g
Intérieur Noir et Blanc
EAN13 9781930110038
ISBN13 978-1-930110-03-8

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