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Jini in a Nutshell
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Librairie Eyrolles - Paris 5e

Jini in a Nutshell

Jini in a Nutshell

Scott Oaks, Henry Wong - Collection In a Nutshell

418 pages, parution le 15/04/2000


Jini is a simple set of Java Classes and services that allows devices (i.e., printers) and services (i.e., printing) to access each other seamlessly, adapt to a continually changing environment, and share code and configurations transparently. Jini has the potential to radically alter our use of computer networks, since it allows and encourages totally new types of services and new uses of existing networks.

Jini in a Nutshell is a quick reference guide to developing services and clients using Jini. It covers everything an experienced Java programmer needs to know to implement Jini, including tutorial chapters to get you up to speed quickly and reference chapters that analyze and explain every Java package related to Jini. Over the course of the book the authors develop a complete example program--with samples of both server and client applications.

Topics covered include:

  • Setting up the Jini programming environment
  • RMI
  • Basic and advanced Jini programming
  • Jini services, including JavaSpaces
  • Jini utilities
  • Security
  • The Sun Community Source License

Jini in a Nutshell covers the Jini 1.0 specification and requires the Java 2 Platform.

Table of contents


Part I: Introducing Jini

Chapter 1--Introduction to Jini
What Is Jini?
Jini Technology
Jini and RMI
Jini Prerequisites
The Jini Community Process
The Sun Community Source License

Chapter 2--Getting Started with Jini
Downloading Jini
Setting Up Your Environment
Starting Jini Services
Using the Start Services GUI Tool

Chapter 3--Remote Method Invocation
Object Serialization
A Simple RMI Example
Transporting Code
Proxying RMI Services

Chapter 4--Basic Jini Programming
The Jini Lookup Service
A Simple Service and Client
Leasing and the Lookup Service
Lookup and Discovery Support Classes
Attributes and the Entry Interface
Other Service Implementations

Chapter 5--Leasing
The Service Interfaces
The Service Implementation
The Client Implementation
Lease Policies

Chapter 6--Remote Events
A Remote Event Example
Remote Events and the Jini Lookup Service

Chapter 7--Service Administration
Administration APIs
Providing a Custom Administration Interface

Chapter 8--Miscellaneous Classes
Thread Utilities
Parsing Command Lines

Chapter 9--Transactions
Overview of Transactions
The Client-Side Transaction APIs
The Jini Transaction Framework

Chapter 10--The JavaSpaces Service
The JavaSpaces API
A JavaSpaces Example
Embedding JavaSpaces in Services

Chapter 11--Helper Services
The Lookup Discovery Service
The Lease Renewal Service
The Event Mailbox Service
An Activatable Service Example
A Detachable Client

Chapter 12--Security in Jini
Sample Policy Files
Jini Policy Files
Jini Security Classes
Part II: Quick Reference
How To Use This Quick Reference

Chapter 13--Service Reference

Chapter 14--The com.sun.jini Packages

Chapter 15--The net.jini.core Package

Chapter 16--The net.jini Packages

Chapter 17--The java Packages

Chapter 18--Class, Method, and Field Index

L'auteur - Scott Oaks

Scott Oaks est un specialiste du langage Java. Depuis 1987, il travaille pour Sun Microsystems ou il est specialiste de technologies aussi differentes que le noyau SunOS, la programmation reseau avec les RPC, le systeme X Window, et les threads. Des le debut de 1995, il a oriente l'essentiel de ses efforts vers Java et il a contribue a l'apport aux utilisateurs de la technologie Java. Il redige une rubrique mensuelle sur les solutions Java pour The Java Report. Dans le milieu de l'Internet, Scott est connu comme etant l'auteur de olvwm, le gestionnaire de fenetres de l'environnement OPEN LOOK. Il est aussi auteur de Securite en Java egalement publie aux Editions O'Reilly.

L'auteur - Henry Wong

Henry Wong est ingenieur principal dans le domaine des systemes. Il travaille pour Sun Microsystems depuis 1989. Il a commence comme consultant aupres des clients pour l'ecriture de pilotes specifiques, les modifications dans le noyau et les produits d'interoperabilite avec DOS. Henry a aussi travaille sur les ports Solaris, les projets de reglage de performances, ainsi que le conception multi-threads et l'implementation d'outils d'evaluation des performances ou de demonstrations. Des le debut de 1995, Henry est intervenu dans le developpement de prototypes Java et dans l'assistance aupres des clients utilisant Java.

Caractéristiques techniques

Éditeur(s) O'Reilly
Auteur(s) Scott Oaks, Henry Wong
Collection In a Nutshell
Parution 15/04/2000
Nb. de pages 418
Format 15,3 x 22,8
Poids 555g
EAN13 9781565927599

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