Au programme : Cahier des charges et design du site. - Intégrer des fichiers en provenance d'autres programmes. - Un peu de HTML.... - Travailler avec le texte. - La magie des graphiques. - Les Frames. - Feuilles de style en cascade, ou l'art de la présentation. - Traiter les graphiques avec Fireworks. - Les formulaires. - Intégrer des animations Flash 5 dans Dreamweaver.
Sommaire Du rêve à la réalité
- Présentation de Dreamweaver, un ami qui vous veut du bien
- Préparer un site web avec Dreamweaver
- Entrer dans HTML
- Plannifier correctement un site web
- Coordonner votre travail de création
- Travailler avec du texte
- Ajouter des images
- Bienvenue dans les tableaux HTML
- Cadrer vos pages
- Feuilles de style en cascade (CSS)
- Ajouter de l'interactivité avec l'HTML dynamique at les comportements
- Créer des fonctions DHTML avancées
- Intégration Roundtrip : Fireworks et Dreamweaver
- Gérer le multimédia
- Les formulaires
- Dix sites géniaux conçus avec Dreamweaver
- Des idées de sites web à exploiter
- Dix astuces pour gagner du temps dans Dreamweaver
- Les ressources de création web sur l'Internet
- Index
L'auteur - Janine Warner
Janine Warner is an author, speaker, and multimedia consultant. She has written more than a dozen books about the Internet and is a popular video host for Dreamweaver at TotalTraining.com and a regular columnist for Layers Magazine. You'll find more resources at her site, DigitalFamily.com.
Autres livres de Janine Warner
L'auteur - Paul Vachier
Paul Vachier wears many hats. As a web designer he got his start designing web articles for Word magazine, a ground-breaking early e-zine. Later he worked with the staff at Salon.com to launch their first few online issues, and served various web design and production stints at companies such as Symantec, @Home, Om Records, Macromedia, Lynda.com (Lynda Weinman's training center), and GoLive Systems. At GoLive Systems he was hired as Webmaster and oversaw the creation and maintenance of the company's web site during the CyberStudio 3 and CyberStudio 4 product launches. He attended many trade shows, gave many demos, and uploaded lots of web pages to the company servers. He also wrote the original documentation for developing third-party actions and has written many of the actions that ship with GoLive today.
Paul taught web technologies for a while at both San Francisco State University's Multimedia Studies program and the Academy of Art College in San Francisco. He has also co-authored several software and Internet related books including: Plug-N-Play JavaScript (New Riders), DeBabelizer: The Authorized Edition (Hayden), and Dreamweaver 3 and 4 for Dummies (Hungry Minds).
Paul received a BA in Anthropology and History from Montclair State University in New Jersey and did graduate studies at UCLA. Today he lives in Santa Fe, NM where he devotes his time to additional activities such as art, bicycling, skiing, amateur DJing, martial arts (Niseido Ju-Jitsu), and trying to learn Final Cut Pro.
Caractéristiques techniques
Éditeur(s) | First |
Auteur(s) | Janine Warner, Paul Vachier |
Parution | 01/09/2001 |
Nb. de pages | 272 |
Format | 13 x 19 |
Couverture | Broché |
Poids | 326g |
Intérieur | Noir et Blanc |
EAN13 | 9782844279453 |
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