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Database Application Programming with Linux
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Librairie Eyrolles - Paris 5e

Database Application Programming with Linux

Database Application Programming with Linux

Brian Jepson, Joan Peckham

528 pages, parution le 17/07/2000


All the tools and techniques you'll need to get started on database programming with Linux Linux's popularity as an enterprise programming solution has skyrocketed recently thanks to support from major database software providers. With new software coming out each year, and constant improvements in existing software, programmers need to be able to develop database applications using Linux. Written by experts in the database and open source communities, this comprehensive, hands-on guide provides all the tools, techniques, and skills you'll need to start your way to becoming a Linux database expert. Bringing you quickly up to speed on real-world database development basics, the book begins with software design basics, including requirements gathering, database and user interface design, and Object-oriented design. You'll then discover in-depth discussions of database engines and APIs such as PostgreSQL, MiniSQL, Sybase, and Oracle, design tools and programming languages such as Java, Perl, and C. In addition, you'll learn more about application frameworks, components, and distributed components. And you'll find the most up-to-date coverage of Linux database applications to help make this an indispensable resource.

With this book, you'll gain a better understanding of the critical pieces of Linux project planning and development, including:

  • Design and specification issues
  • Database design and theory
  • User interface design principles
  • UML and Patterns for object-oriented analysis and designYou'll also learn about:
  • Getting started with PostgreSQL, MySQL, Sybase, Oracle, and MiniSQL
  • Implementation-level differences between various databases
  • Database development
  • Administration and modeling tools
  • Programming with CORBA
  • Example programs
  • Reusable code

Table of Contents - Database Application Programming with Linux

Chapter 1

  • Towards a System Design
    • The Problem Definition
    • Requirements Analysis
      • Working with People
      • The Analysis Process
      • A Viewpoint Model for Analysis
      • The Formal Requirements Document
      • Using a Prototype to Validate Requirements
      • The Volatility of Requirements
    • The System Architecture
      • System Structuring
      • Control Modeling
      • Modular Decomposition
    • System Design
  • Summary

Chapter 2
Database Design

  • Designing a Database
    • Identify the Entities You Want to Represent
    • Use the Requirements
    • Identify Likely Entities
      • Keys
      • Relating Entities
    • Normalization
      • First Normal Form
      • Second Normal Form
      • Third Normal Form
    • Building a Data Dictionary
      • Datatype Sizes
      • Patron
      • Book
      • Borrows
      • Author, Author_Of, and Publisher
    • Leftovers
    • Digging Deeper
  • SQL
    • Creating Tables
    • Putting Data into the Database
    • Getting Data out of the Database
      • Ordering Result Sets
      • Filtering Result Sets
      • Joins
        • Outer Joins
    • Updating Data in the Database
    • Deleting Data from the Database
    • Indexes
  • Summary

Chapter 3
Developing User Interfaces

  • The Development Process
    • Consider the Requirements
    • Involve the User
    • Follow Established Design Guidelines
      • Mandel's Golden Rules
        • Place Users in Control
        • Reduce User's Memory Load
        • Make the User Interface Consistent
    • Develop and Refine the UI Prototype
      • Find the Nouns and Verbs
      • Grow a Tree
      • Find Objects
      • Design Icons for Objects
      • Determine Appropriate Actions for Objects
      • Determine Forms and Menu Actions
      • Take Care of the Attributes
    • Develop the Implementation
    • Perform Usability Testing
  • Summary

Chapter 4

  • Finding Reusable Code
    • The Importance of Reuse
    • Identifying Good Code
      • The Word on the Street
      • Documentation
      • Comments
      • Readability and Learnability
    • Repositories, Resources, and Libraries
      • The C Library
        • Browsing the C Library
      • Other Libraries
    • License Combatibility
  • Style and Technique
    • Naming Conventions
    • Indentation
    • Blocks and Braces
    • Comments
    • Reduce Memory Load
  • Algorithms
    • Algorithm Design Strategies
      • Dealing with Recursion
      • Analyzing Time Complexity
  • Building Routines and Modules
    • PDL
    • Modularity
      • Information Hiding
  • Summary

Chapter 5
Object-Oriented Programming

  • Characteristics of OO Languages
    • Encapsulation
    • Classes
    • Interfaces
      • Object Models
    • Abstract Classes
    • Inheritance
    • Polymorphism
  • Summary

Chapter 6
Software Engineering

  • Object-Oriented Development to the Rescue?
    • Is Bigger Better?
  • The Cathedral and the Bazaar
  • The Spiral Model, 4GL, and RAD
  • OO and 4GL
    • Problems with RAD
    • Scripting Languages and the Third Way
    • Tools Selection
  • The Magic Cauldron
  • Summary

Chapter 7
Object-Oriented Analysis

  • The Unified Modeling Language
    • Why Have a Process?
  • Using UML in OO Analysis
  • Use Cases
    • Actors and Events
    • Identifying Use Cases
    • Use Case Diagrams
    • Writing Use Cases
    • Use Case Summary
  • The Conceptual Model
    • Developing the Conceptual Model
    • Identify Concepts
    • Draw the Model
      • Discover and Diagram Associations
    • Add Attributes
    • Conceptual Model Summary
  • System Sequence Diagrams
    • Developing the Diagrams
  • Contracts
    • Writing Contracts
  • Summary

Chapter 8
Object-Oriented Design

  • Three-Tier Architecture
    • Designing for a Three-Tier Architecture
      • From Domain to Persistence
  • Patterns for Object-Oriented Design
    • Elements of a Pattern
    • Observer
    • The Value of Patterns
    • Choosing Patterns
  • Using UML in Object-Oriented Design
    • Baggage from Previous Iterations
    • Collaboration Diagrams
    • Developing Collaboration Diagrams
  • Collaboration Diagrams for Borrow Books
    • The identifyPatron() Operation
    • The loanBook() Operation
  • Class Diagrams
  • UI and Database Design in Context
    • Designing the User Interface
    • Bridging Database and Objects
      • Patterns for Object-Relational Mapping
      • Object-Relational Mapping Tools
  • From Design to Code
  • Summary

Chapter 9

  • What is an RDBMS?
    • Relational Database and the PC
    • Some Frequently Asked Questions
      • What is a Database?
      • What is the Difference Between a Database and a Database Server?
      • What is the Difference Between a Database and a Table?
      • What is the Difference Between an RDBMS and a DBM File?
      • How do I seek on a Table in an RDBMS?
      • What is SQL?
      • How does SQL get from my Program to the RDBMS?
      • What Format is the Data Stored In?
      • What is a Database Independence API?
  • Getting Started with an RDBMS
    • PostgreSQL
    • Mini SQL
    • MySQL
    • Oracle
    • Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise
  • Common Database Issues
    • Invalid Values
    • Generating Unique Values
    • Orphaned Data
      • Declarative Referential Integrity
      • Triggers
    • Lost Updates
  • Administrative Issues
    • Bulk Data Operations
    • The Security of Initial Accounts
    • Automatic Startup and Shutdown
  • Database Features Quick Reference
    • General Overview
    • Data Types
    • SQL Monitors
  • Summary

Chapter 10
Linux Development Tools Catalog

  • Database Tools
    • Multi-RDBMS
      • Katabase
      • KSQL
      • dbMetrix
      • gtkSQL
      • dbMan
      • Gnome Transcript
    • PostgreSQL Tools
    • Oracle Tools
    • MySQL Tools
    • Sybase Tools
  • Drivers and Driver Managers
    • ODBC
      • iODBC
      • UnixODBC
    • DBI
    • JDBC
  • Modeling/Diagramming Tools
  • Summary

Chapter 11
Java, Swing, and JDBC

  • JDBC
    • Installing JDBC Drivers
      • JDK 1.1.x
      • JDK 1.2
  • Running the Example Programs
  • Using JDBC
    • Open a Connection
    • Send SQL to the Server
    • Process Result Sets
  • Swing
    • A Frame, a Field, and a Button
      • Event Handling
      • Inner Classes and Object References
    • Layout Managers
  • Separating Content and Presentation
    • JTable and TableModel
    • A Table Model for JDBC
    • Using the JDBC Table Model
  • Summary

Chapter 12
DBI and Perl

  • The Perl DBI
    • Installing the DBI
      • CPAN
        • Installing CPAN Modules
    • After Installing DBI
    • Installing Database Drivers (DBDs)
    • If You Have Trouble
    • Using the DBI
      • Connecting to a Database
      • Executing an SQL Statement
      • Prepared Statements
      • Processing Result Sets
  • User Interfaces in Perl
    • Perl/Tk
      • Installing Perl/Tk
      • Creating a Simple Form
      • Variable Binding
      • Some Widgets
      • Displaying Data in a Grid
      • Displaying Hierarchical Data
  • Object-Oriented Perl
    • Packages
    • Modules
    • Classes
  • Tangram: Object-Relational Mapping in Perl
    • Defining a Schema and Classes
    • Deploying the Schema
    • Creating Objects
    • Finding Objects
    • Putting It All Together
  • Summary

Chapter 13

  • Getting GNOME
    • Keeping Up With the Developers
  • The GNOME Application Framework
    • User Interface Services
    • Distributed Object Services
    • Data Access Services
  • GNOME Programming
    • Using GTK+
      • Compiling and Running the GTK+ Example
      • GTK+ Versus OO Toolkits
      • GTK+ Widgets
    • Developing User Interfaces with Glade
    • Glade Tutorial
  • Overview of GNOME-DB
    • Providers and Data Sources
    • GNOME-DB in Action
    • Getting GNOME-DB
    • Compiling and Installing GNOME-DB
    • Configuring Data Sources
  • Using GNOME-DB
    • The Front-End
  • Programming GNOME-DB
    • Make a Connection
    • Trap Errors
    • Glade Meets GNOME-DB
  • Summary

Chapter 14
Software Architecture

  • Modularity and Troubleshooting
  • Architectural Choices
  • Message Passing Facilities
  • Networking
  • The Wonder of Relational Databases
    • Files as Databases
    • Client-Server Relational Databases to the Rescue
  • Summary

Chapter 15
Introduction to CORBA

  • CORBA Terminology
  • CORBA Implementations for Linux
  • Using CORBA
    • A Simple MICO Example
    • A Simple ORBit Example
  • CORBA Goodies
  • Summary

Appendix A
SQL Reference

    • The CONSTRAINT Clause
    • Enforcing Relationships
  • Data Types
    • Autoincrement Columns
  • Putting Data into the Database
  • SQL Query Fundamentals
    • Retrieving All Columns
    • Aliases
    • Querying with NULLs and Sets
    • Aggregate Queries
  • Views

Appendix B
UML Reference

  • Class Diagram
  • Sequence Diagram
  • Collaboration Diagram

L'auteur - Brian Jepson

Brian Jepson is an O'Reilly editor, programmer, and co-author of Mac OS X Panther for Unix Geeks and Learning Unix for Mac OS X Panther. He's also a volunteer system administrator and all-around geek for AS220, a non-profit arts center in Providence, Rhode Island. AS220 gives Rhode Island artists uncensored and unjuried forums for their work. These forums include galleries, performance space, and publications. Brian sees to it that technology, especially free software, supports that mission.

L'auteur - Joan Peckham

JOAN PECKHAM is Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of Rhode Island. She is also Associate Editor for the Journal of Database Management.

Caractéristiques techniques

Éditeur(s) Wiley
Auteur(s) Brian Jepson, Joan Peckham
Parution 17/07/2000
Nb. de pages 528
Format 19 x 23,2
Couverture Broché
Poids 930g
Intérieur Noir et Blanc
EAN13 9780471355496


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