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C# Primer
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Librairie Eyrolles - Paris 5e

C# Primer

C# Primer

A Practical Approach

Stanley B. Lippman

394 pages, parution le 04/02/2002


Now Stan Lippman brings you C# using his famed primer format. C# PRIMER is a comprehensive, example-driven introduction to this new object-oriented programming language.

C# is a cornerstone of Microsoft's new .NET platform. Inheriting many features from both Java and C++, C# is destined to become the high-level programming language of choice for building high-performance Windows and Web applications and components—from XML-based Web services to middle-tier business objects and system-level applications.

First, you will tour the language, looking at built-in features such as the class mechanism, class inheritance, and interface inheritance—all while you build small programs. Next, you will explore the various library domains supported within the .NET class framework. You will also learn how to use the language and class framework to solve problems and build quality programs.

Highlights include:
  • Covers fundamentals such as namespaces, exception handling, and unified type system
  • Presents a wide-ranging tour of the .NET class library, introducing ADO.NET and establishing database connections and the use of XML
  • Provides XML programming using the firehose and DOM parser models, XSLT, XPATH, and schemas
  • Focuses on ASP.NET Web Form Designer, walking through the page life-cycle and caching, and providing a large number of examples.
  • Introduces .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR)

Adding C# to your toolbox will not only improve your Web-based programming ability, but also increase your productivity. C# PRIMER provides a solid foundation to build upon and a refreshingly unbvoice on Microsoft's vehicle to effective and efficient Web-based programming.


1. Hello, C<35>.

A First C<35> Program.
Alternative Forms of the Main Function.
Making a Statement.
Opening a Text File for Read and Write.
Formatting Output.
The string Type.
Local Objects.
A Value and Reference Types.
The C<35> Array.
The new expression.
Garbage Collection.
Dynamic Arrays: The ArrayList Collection Class.
The Unified Type System.
Shadow Boxing.
Unboxing Leaves Us Downcast.

Jagged Arrays.
The Hashtable Container.
Exception Handling.
A Basic Language Handbook.
Built-in Numeric Types.
Arithmetic, Relational, and Conditional Operators.
Operator Precedence.

2. Class Design.
Our First Independent Class.
Opening a New Visual Studio Project.
Declaring Data Members.
Member Initialization.
The Class Constructor.
The Implicit this Reference.
static Class Members.
const and readonly Data Members.
The enum Value Type.
The delegate Type.
Function Parameter Semantics.
Function Overloading.
Pass by Value.
Pass by Reference: The ref Parameter.
Pass by Reference: The out Parameter.

Variable-Length Parameter Lists.
Operator Overloading.
Conversion Operators.
The Class Destructor.
The struct Value Type.

3. Object-Oriented Programming.
Object-Oriented Programming Concepts.
Supporting a Polymorphic Query Language.
Designing a Class Hierarchy.
Object Lessons.
Designing an Abstract Base Class.
Declaring an Abstract Base Class.
Static Members of an Abstract Base Class.
A Hybrid Abstract Base Class.
The Single-Inheritance Object Model.
How Is a Hybrid Abstract Class Different?

Defining a Derived Class.
Overriding the Inherited Virtual Interface.
Overriding the Virtual Object Methods.
Member Access: The new and base Modifiers.
Accessibility versus Visibility.
Encapsulating Base-Class Access.

Sealing a Class.
The Exception Class Hierarchy.

4. Interface Inheritance.
Implementing a System Interface: IComparable.
Accessing an Existing Interface.
Defining an Interface.
Implementing Our Interface: Proof of Concept.
Integrating Our Interface within the System Framework.

Explicit Interface Member Implementations.
Inherited Interface Members.
Overloaded, Hidden, or Ambiguous?
Mastering Copy Semantics: Icloneable.
Mastering Finalize Semantics: Idisposable.
BitVector: Extension through Composition.

5. Exploring the System Namespace.
Supporting the Fundamental Types.
The Array Is a System.Array.
Querying the Environment.
The Environment Class.
Accessing All the Environment Variables.
The Process Class.
Finding the Logical Drives.

Handling File Extensions: The Path Class.
Manipulating Directories.
Manipulating Files.
Reading and Writing Files.

A System Miscellany.
The System.Collections.Stack Container.
The System.Diagnostics.TraceListener Class.
The DateTime Class.

Regular Expressions.
The Web Request/Response Model.
The Server-Side TcpListener.
The Client-Side TcpClient.

System.Data (ADO.NET).
The Database Tables.
Opening the Database: Selecting a Data Provider.
Navigating the DataTable.
Setting Up the DataRelation.
Selection and Expressions.

Getting XML Out of Our Programs.
XmlTextReader: The Firehose.
Document Object Model.

6. Windows Forms Designer.
Our First Windows Forms Program.
Building the GUI.
Implementing the Event Callback Routines.
Implementing a TextBox Event.
Implementing the Button Events: OK.
Implementing the Button Events: Quit.

Inspecting and Generating Control Events.
Labels Are Programmable.

Implementing the MessageBox Popup Dialog.
The ListBox for Unformatted Output.
Exploring the File Dialog.
A Pocketful of Buttons.
Serving Up Menus.
The DataGrid Control.
Adding a PictureBox Control.

7. ASP.NET and Web Forms Designer.
Our First Web Forms Program.
Opening an ASP.NET Web Application Project.
Modifying the Document Properties.
Adding Controls to the Document: Label.

Adding Additional Pages to a Project.
The HyperLink Control: Linking to Other Pages.
The DataGrid Control.
Understanding the Page Event Life Cycle.
The Data Provider.
Web State Management.
Adding a TextBox Control.
Adding an ImageButton Control.
Adding a ListBox Control.

Managing State: Class Members.
Managing State: the Session Object.
Managing State: the Application Object.
Validation Controls.
Adding a DropDownList Control.
Adding a Group of RadioButton Controls.
Adding a CheckBoxList Controls.
Adding Validators to a Control.
Adding a Calendar Control.
Adding an Image Control.
Programming Web Server Controls.

8. The Common Language Runtime.
Runtime Type Reflection.
Modifying the Retrieval through BindingFlags.
Invoking a Method during Runtime.
Delegating the Test to Reflection.
The Intrinsic Conditional Attribute.
The Intrinsic Serializable Attribute.
The Intrinsic Dllimport Attribute.

The Intrinsic Conditional Attribute.
The Intrinsic Serializable Attribute.
The Intrinsic Dllimport Attribute.
Implementing Our Own Attribute Class.
Positional and Named Parameters.

Runtime Discovery of Attributes Using Reflection.
The Intermediate Language.
Examining the Intermediate Language.
The ildasm Tool.


L'auteur - Stanley B. Lippman

Stanley B. Lippman is a member of the Core Technology group at DreamWorks Feature Animation. Prior to joining DreamWorks, Stan was principal software engineer at Walt Disney Feature Animation. While at Bell Laboratories, he led the cfront Release 3.0 and Release 2.1 compiler development team. He was a member of the Bell Laboratories Foundation Project under the leadership of Bjarne Stroustrup. Stan is the author of the three highly successful editions of the C++ Primer as well as Inside the C++ Object Model, also published by Addison-Wesley, and editor of C++ Gems, published by Cambridge University Press. He has been a crew member of several feature-length animation films, including Hunchback of Notre Dame and Fantasia 2000.

Caractéristiques techniques

Éditeur(s) Addison Wesley
Auteur(s) Stanley B. Lippman
Parution 04/02/2002
Nb. de pages 394
Format 18,5 x 23,4
Couverture Broché
Poids 823g
Intérieur Noir et Blanc
EAN13 9780201729559

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