For Experienced Programmers
Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, J.A. Listfield, T.R. Nieto, C.H. Yaeger, M. Zlatkina
The practicing programmer's DEITEL LIVE-CODE guide toC# and the powerful Microsoft .NET Framework.
Written for programmers with a background in C++, Visual
Basic, Java or other high-level languages, this book
applies the DEITEL signature LIVE-CODE approach to teaching
programming and explores Microsoft's C# language in depth.
This book presents important C# concepts in the context of
fully tested programs, complete with syntax shading,
detailed line-by-line descriptions and program outputs. The
book features 230 LIVE-CODE programs that contain 26,006
lines of proven C# program code. In addition, the book
includes 402 programming tips that help you build
applications that are portable, reusable and optimized for
Start with a concise introduction to C # fundamentals,
then rapidly move on to more advanced topics, including
Windows Forms, ADO .NET, ASP .NET, ASP .NET Web services,
network programming and XML processing. Along the way you
will enjoy the Deitels' classic treatment of object-based
and object-oriented programming. When you are finished, you
will have everything you need to build next-generation
Windows applications, Web applications and XML Web
Dr. Harvey M. Deitel and Paul J. Deitel are the founders of Deitel & Associates, Inc., the internationally recognized IT content-creation and corporate-training organization. Together with their colleagues at Deitel & Associates, Inc., they have written the successful How to Program Series of college textbooks that hundreds of thousands of students throughout the world have used to master C, C++, Java, C#, Visual Basic .NET, Perl, Python, XML, and other languages.
The DEITEL Developer Series is designed for practicing programmers. The series presents focused treatments of emerging technologies, including .NET, J2EE, Web services, and more. Each book in the series contains the same LIVE-CODE teaching methodology used so successfully in the Deitels' How to Program Series college textbooks and instructor-led, corporate-training courses.
The DEITEL Developer Series includes a wide selection of books suitable for three types of readers:
- A Technical Introduction Broad overviews of new technologies for programmers, technical managers and other technical professionals
- A Programmer's Introduction Focused treatments of programming fundamentals for practicing programmers and for novices For Experienced Programmers
- Detailed treatments of language topics for experienced programmers
Preface ix
1 Introduction to .NET and C# 1
1.1 Introduction 2
1.2 About this Book 2
1.3 C# 3
1.4 Introduction to Microsoft .NET 3
1.5 .NET Framework and the Common Language Runtime 5
1.6 Key Software Trend: Object Technology 7
1.7 History of the Internet and World Wide Web 9
1.8 World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) 10
1.9 Extensible Markup Language (XML) 11
1.10 Tour of the Book 12
1.11 Internet and World Wide Web Resources 20
2 Introduction to the Visual Studio .NET IDE and
Programming 23
2.1 Introduction 24
2.2 Visual Studio .NET Integrated Development Environment
(IDE) Overview 25
2.3 Menu Bar and Toolbar 29
2.4 Visual Studio .NET Windows 30
2.4.1 Solution Explorer Window 31
2.4.2 Toolbox Window 31
2.4.3 Properties Window 33
2.5 Using Help 35
2.6 Simple Program: Displaying Text and an Image 36
2.7 Simple Program: Printing a Line of Text 46
2.8 Arithmetic 56
2.9 Decision Making: Equality and Relational Operators
3 Control Structures 66
3.1 Introduction 67
3.2 Control Structures 67
3.3 if Selection Structure 69
3.4 if/else Selection Structure 69
3.5 while Repetition Structure 70
3.6 Assignment Operators 73
3.7 Increment and Decrement Operators 74
3.8 for Repetition Structure 75
3.9 Case Study: Using the for Structure to Compute Compound
Interest 78
3.10 switch Multiple-Selection Structure 83
3.11 do/while Repetition Structure 86
3.12 Statements break and continue 88
3.13 Logical and Conditional Operators 90
3.14 Introduction to Windows Application Programming 95
4 Methods and Arrays 106
4.1 Introduction 107
4.2 Methods in C# 108
4.3 Method Definitions 108
4.4 Argument Promotion 115
4.5 C# Namespaces 117
4.6 Value Types and Reference Types 118
4.7 Passing Arguments: Pass-by-Value vs. Pass-by-Reference
4.8 Scope Rules 123
4.9 Recursion 126
4.10 Method Overloading 129
4.11 Arrays 131
4.12 Declaring and Allocating Arrays 132
4.13 Passing Arrays to Methods 135
4.14 Passing Arrays by Value and by Reference 136
4.15 Multiple-Subscripted Arrays 140
4.16 foreach Repetition Structure 144
5 Object-Based Programming 148
5.1 Introduction 149
5.2 Implementing a Time Abstract Data Type with a Class
5.3 Class Scope 158
5.4 Controlling Access to Members 159
5.5 Initializing Class Objects: Constructors 160
5.6 Using Overloaded Constructors 161
5.7 Properties 166
5.8 Composition: Objects References as Instance Variables
of Other Classes 175
5.9 Using the this Reference 178
5.10 Garbage Collection 181
5.11 static Class Members 182
5.12 const and readonly Members 188
5.13 Indexers 191
5.14 Data Abstraction and Information Hiding 197
5.15 Software Reusability 199
5.16 Namespaces and Assemblies 199
5.17 Class View and Object Browser 205
6 Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance 211
6.1 Introduction 212
6.2 Base Classes and Derived Classes 213
6.3 protected and internal Members 216
6.4 Relationship between Base Classes and Derived Classes
6.5 Case Study: Three-Level Inheritance Hierarchy 237
6.6 Constructors and Destructors in Derived Classes
6.7 Software Engineering with Inheritance 246
7 Object-Oriented Programming: Polymorphism 250
7.1 Introduction 251
7.2 Derived-Class-Object to Base-Class-Object Conversion
7.3 Type Fields and switch Statements 258
7.4 Polymorphism Examples 259
7.5 Abstract Classes and Methods 260
7.6 Case Study: Inheriting Interface and Implementation
7.7 sealed Classes and Methods 271
7.8 Case Study: Payroll System Using Polymorphism 272
7.9 Case Study: Creating and Using Interfaces 282
7.10 Delegates 294
7.11 Operator Overloading 299
8 Exception Handling 308
8.1 Introduction 309
8.2 Exception Handling Overview 310
8.3 Example: DivideByZeroException 313
8.4 .NET Exception Hierarchy 318
8.5 finally Block 319
8.6 Exception Properties 327
8.7 Programmer-Defined Exception Classes 332
8.8 Handling Overflows with Operators checked and unchecked
9 Graphical User Interface Concepts: Part 1 341
9.1 Introduction 342
9.2 Windows Forms 343
9.3 Event-Handling Model 346
9.3.1 Basic Event Handling 347
9.4 Control Properties and Layout 351
9.5 Labels, TextBoxes and Buttons 356
9.6 GroupBoxes and Panels 363
9.7 CheckBoxes and RadioButtons 366
9.8 PictureBoxes 376
9.9 Mouse Event Handling 378
9.10 Keyboard Event Handling 380
10 Graphical User Interface Concepts:
Part 2 387
10.1 Introduction 388
10.2 Menus 388
10.3 LinkLabels 397
10.4 ListBoxes and CheckedListBoxes 401
10.4.1 ListBoxes 404
10.4.2 CheckedListBoxes 406
10.5 ComboBoxes 409
10.6 TreeViews 414
10.7 ListViews 420
10.8 Tab Control 427
10.9 Multiple-Document-Interface (MDI) Windows 432
10.10 Visual Inheritance 441
10.11 User-Defined Controls 445
11 Multithreading 453
11.1 Introduction 454
11.2 Thread States: Life Cycle of a Thread 455
11.3 Thread Priorities and Thread Scheduling 457
11.4 Thread Synchronization and Class Monitor 462
11.5 Producer/Consumer Relationship without Thread
Synchronization 464
11.6 Producer/Consumer Relationship with Thread
Synchronization 470
11.7 Producer/Consumer Relationship: Circular Buffer
12 Strings, Characters and Regular Expressions 493
12.1 Introduction 494
12.2 Fundamentals of Characters and Strings 494
12.3 String Constructors 496
12.4 String Indexer, Length Property and CopyTo Method
12.5 Comparing Strings 499
12.6 String Method GetHashCode 503
12.7 Locating Characters and Substrings in Strings
12.8 Extracting Substrings from Strings 507
12.9 Concatenating Strings 508
12.10 Miscellaneous String Methods 509
12.11 Class StringBuilder 511
12.12 StringBuilder Indexer, Length and Capacity
Properties, and Ensure-Capacity
12.13 StringBuilder Append and AppendFormat Methods
12.14 StringBuilder Insert, Remove and Replace Methods
12.15 Char Methods 522
12.16 Card Shuffling and Dealing Simulation 525
12.17 Regular Expressions and Class Regex 529
13 Graphics and Multimedia 542
13.1 Introduction 543
13.2 Graphics Contexts and Graphics Objects 545
13.3 Color Control 546
13.4 Font Control 554
13.5 Drawing Lines, Rectangles and Ovals 559
13.6 Drawing Arcs 562
13.7 Drawing Polygons and Polylines 565
13.8 Advanced Graphics Capabilities 569
13.9 Introduction to Multimedia 575
13.10 Loading, Displaying and Scaling Images 576
13.11 Animating a Series of Images 578
13.12 Windows Media Player 591
13.13 Microsoft Agent 594
14 Files and Streams 611
14.1 Introduction 612
14.2 Data Hierarchy 612
14.3 Files and Streams 614
14.4 Classes File and Directory 616
14.5 Creating a Sequential-Access File 626
14.6 Reading Data from a Sequential-Access File 638
14.7 Random-Access Files 649
14.8 Creating a Random-Access File 653
14.9 Writing Data Randomly to a Random-Access File
14.10 Reading Data Sequentially from a Random-Access File
14.11 Case Study: A Transaction-Processing Program 667
15 Extensible Markup Language (XML) 690
15.1 Introduction 691
15.2 XML Documents 691
15.3 XML Namespaces 696
15.4 Document Object Model (DOM) 699
15.5 Document Type Definitions (DTDs), Schemas and
Validation 718
15.5.1 Document Type Definitions 719
15.5.2 Microsoft XML Schemas 722
15.5.3 W3C XML Schema 725
15.5.4 Schema Validation in C# 726
15.6 Extensible Stylesheet Language and XslTransform
15.7 Microsoft BizTalk(tm) 737
15.8 Internet and World Wide Web Resources 740
16 Database, SQL and ADO .NET 745
16.1 Introduction 746
16.2 Relational Database Model 747
16.3 Relational Database Overview: Books Database 748
16.4 Structured Query Language (SQL) 755
16.4.1 Basic SELECT Query 755
16.4.2 WHERE Clause 756
16.4.3 ORDER BY Clause 759
16.4.4 Merging Data from Multiple Tables: INNER JOIN
16.4.5 Joining Data from Tables Authors, AuthorISBN, Titles
16.4.6 INSERT Statement 767
16.4.7 UPDATE Statement 768
16.4.8 DELETE Statement 769
16.5 ADO .NET Object Model 770
16.6 Programming with ADO .NET: Extracting Information from
a Database 771
16.6.1 Connecting to and Querying an Access Data Source
16.6.2 Querying the Books Database 778
16.7 Programming with ADO.NET: Modifying a Database
16.8 Reading and Writing XML Files 789
17 ASP .NET, Web Forms and Web Controls 795
17.1 Introduction 796
17.2 Simple HTTP Transaction 797
17.3 System Architecture 799
17.4 Creating and Running a Simple Web Form Example
17.5 Web Controls 814
17.5.1 Text and Graphics Controls 815
17.5.2 AdRotator Control 819
17.5.3 Validation Controls 824
17.6 Session Tracking 835
17.6.1 Cookies 836
17.6.2 Session Tracking with HttpSessionState 845
17.7 Case Study: Online Guest Book 854
17.8 Case Study: Connecting to a Database in ASP .NET
17.9 Tracing 876...
L'auteur - Harvey M. Deitel
Dr. Harvey M. Deitel, CEO of Deitel & Associates, Inc., has 40 years in the computing field including extensive industry and academic experience. He is one of the world's leading computer science instructors and seminar presenters. Dr. Deitel earned B.S. and M.S. degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Ph.D. from Boston University. He has 20 years of college teaching experience including earning tenure and serving as the Chairman of the Computer Science Department at Boston College before founding Deitel & Associates, Inc. with his son Paul J. Deitel. He is author or co-author of several dozen books and multimedia packages and is currently writing many more. With translations published in Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Elementary Chinese, Advanced Chinese, Korean, French, Polish and Portuguese, Dr. Deitel's texts have earned international recognition. Dr. Deitel has delivered professional seminars internationally to major corporations, government organizations and various branches of the military.
Autres livres de Harvey M. Deitel
L'auteur - Paul J. Deitel
Paul J. Deitel, Executive Vice President of Deitel &
Associates, Inc., is a graduate of the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology's Sloan School of Management where
he studied Information Technology. Through Deitel &
Associates, Inc. he has delivered Internet and World Wide
Web courses and programming language classes for industry
clients including Compaq, Sun Microsystems, White Sands
Missile Range, Rogue Wave Software, Computervision, Straws,
Fidelity, Cambridge Technology Partners, Lucent
TecItnologies, Adra Systems, Entergy, CableData Systems,
NASA at the Kennedy Space Center, the National Severe Storm
Laboratory, IBM and many other organizations. He has
lectured on for the Boston Chapter of the Association for
Computing Machinery, and has taught satellite-based courses
through a cooperative venture of Deitel & Associates,
Inc., Prentice Hall and the Technology Education Network.
He and his father, Dr. Harvey M. Deitel, are the world's
best-selling Computer Science textbook authors.
Autres livres de Paul J. Deitel
Caractéristiques techniques
Éditeur(s) | Prentice Hall |
Auteur(s) | Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, J.A. Listfield, T.R. Nieto, C.H. Yaeger, M. Zlatkina |
Parution | 19/08/2002 |
Nb. de pages | 1382 |
Format | 17,5 x 23 |
Couverture | Broché |
Poids | 1990g |
Intérieur | Noir et Blanc |
EAN13 | 9780130461339 |
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