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Adobe Premiere 6
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Librairie Eyrolles - Paris 5e

Adobe Premiere 6

Adobe Premiere 6


Adele Droblas, Seth Greenberg

610 pages, parution le 01/06/2001


This is the definitive guide to the new version of the world's top desktop digital video tool. It includes tutorials, tips, and tricks for editing digital video in Premiere -- as well as how to create special effects in Premiere and AfterEffects, Electrifier and other apps. Adobe Premiere 6 Bible demonstrates how to professionally integrate narration, music and/or sound effects with moving images; and shows you how to create digital video productions out of movies shot on a camcorder -- for home or business uses. Plus, you get a Mac/Windows CD-ROM loaded with video-based tutorials, a library of usable video clips and sample effects, useful video filters and utilities, and tryouts.



Part I: Getting Started with Premiere

Chapter 1: Premiere Quickstart
What You Can Do with Premiere
How Premiere Works
Your First Video Production
Starting a Premiere Project
      Importing production elements
      Viewing clips in the Project window
      Using a storyboard
Creating the Project
      Changing the time zoom level
      Previewing in the Monitor window
      Using the Timeline window to trim clips
      Editing the flag
Creating a Transition
      Previewing the transition
      Editing a clip in the Timeline
      Adding a dissolve
      Adding another graphic and transition
      Fading in the title
      Previewing the fade in
      Adding and fading in the audio track
Exporting Your First Movie
      Exporting your movie to the Web

Chapter 2: Premiere Basics
Premiere's Windows
      Manipulating Premiere's windows
      The Project window
      Timeline window
      Monitor window
      Audio Mixer window
Premiere's Floating Palettes
      Navigator palette
      History palette
      The Commands palette
      Info palette
      Effect Controls palette
      The Video and Audio Effects palettes
      Transitions palette
The Menus
      The File menu
      The Edit menu
      The Project menu
      The Clip menu
      The Window menu
      The Help menu

Chapter 3: Introduction to Premiere Digital Video Project Settings
What Is Digital Video?
      Linear versus nonlinear editing
Digital Video Essentials
      Video frame rates
      Frame size
      RGB color and bit depth
Understanding Project Settings
      General settings
      Video settings
      Keyframe and rendering options

Chapter 4: Capturing Video
Getting Started
      Making the right connection
Starting the Capture Process
      Setting the Scratch disk
      Capturing analog video
      Changing video settings
      Changing audio settings
      Preparing for digital video capture
Capturing Video in the Capture Window
      Capturing with Device Control
      Using batch control for automatic capture
Adding Timecode to a Clip
Capturing Stop Motion Clips
Capturing Audio
      Audio capture settings
      Capturing analog audio (Windows users)
      Capturing analog audio on the Mac

Part II: Editing with Premiere

Chapter 5: Basic Editing in Premiere
Basic Editing Concepts and Tools
      Creating a storyboard
      The workspace
Understanding the Timeline Window
      A tour of the Timeline window
      Adjusting track views
Navigating Your Way Through the Timeline
      Creating Shy tracks and Exclude tracks
      Selecting and moving clips in the Timeline
      Customizing the Timeline window
Setting In and Out Points in the Timeline Window
      Editing with the Selection tool
      Setting In and Out points with Timeline markers
Trimming Using the Clip Window
Working with the Monitor Window
      Adding clips to the Timeline using the Monitor window

Chapter 6: Audio Editing
Importance of Sound in Video
Playing a Sound Clip
Gaining and Fading
      Adjusting sound volume by using the Gain command
      Fading sound by using the fade line
Balancing Volume
      Balancing stereo
Using the Cross Fade Tool to Fade Audio
Mixing Audio by Using the Audio Mixer
      Mute and Solo
      The Audio Mixer window options
      Recording edits by using the Audio Mixer track
Using the Audio Effects
      Touring the Audio palette
      Applying an audio effect
      Applying an audio effect over time
      Audio effects described
Exporting a Sound as an AIFF File

Chapter 7: Creating Transitions
Touring the Transitions Palette
      Using the Transitions palette menu
A/B Editing versus Single Track
      Creating transitions with A/B tracks
      Applying a Transition with Single Track Editing
      Editing transitions settings
Creating a Default Transition
Applying a Default Transition
Replacing and Deleting Transitions
Transitions Review
      3D Motion
      Map transitions
      Special Effects
      Page Peels
      Stretch transitions
      Wipe transitions
      Zoom transitions
Gallery of Transitions in Premiere

Part III: Working with Type and Graphics

Chapter 8: Creating Titles and Graphics in the Title Window
Exploring the Title Window
      Touring the Title window tools
Changing Title Window Options
      Drawing size
      Aspect ratio
      Show safe titles
      NTSC-safe colors options
      Background color
Using the Title Menu
Adding a Background Frame to the Title Window
Working with the Title Window Tools
      Using the Type tool
      Moving text onscreen with the Selection tool
      Changing text attributes
      Saving text attributes and color
Using the Rolling Title Tool
      Changing direction and speed
      Previewing moving text
Creating Graphics in the Title Window
Creating Polygons
      Turning polygons into curves
Editing Shapes
      Moving and resizing shapes
      Changing line width
      Changing fill attributes
Creating Shadows
      Setting shadow options
Using Color in Titles
      Using Premiere's Color Picker
      Understanding RGB colors
      Applying colors to text and graphics
      Creating gradients
      Changing opacity
Saving, Closing, and Opening a Title
      Placing a title in a project
Premiere technique: Creating an opening title with the Title window
      Premiere technique: Creating a logo

Chapter 9: Creating Type and Graphic Effects
Creating and Importing Graphics from Adobe Photoshop
Creating a digital movie using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe ImageReady
Creating a digital movie of warped text using Photoshop and ImageReady
Creating the Time Flies project
Creating Semitransparent Text
      Creating beveled text in Photoshop
      Creating the Zoo project
Using Video Effects to Animate Adobe Illustrator Type and Graphics
      Creating curved text in Adobe Illustrator
      Creating a graphic in Adobe Illustrator
      Creating the Hurricane Season project
Animating Titles over Graphics by Using Motion and Reverse Alpha Channel Key

Part IV: Advanced Techniques and Special Effects

Chapter 10: Advanced Editing Techniques
Editing Utilities
      Using the History palette
      Cutting and pasting clips
      Removing Timeline gaps
      Unlinking and linking audio and video
Editing Clips with the Timeline Edit Tools
      Creating a rolling edit
      Creating a ripple edit
      Creating a slip edit
      Creating a slide edit
Creating a Three- or Four-Point Edit
      Performing a three-point edit
      Performing a four-point edit
Performing Lift and Extract Edits
Fine-Tuning Edits by Using Monitor Trim Mode
Creating Duplicate and Virtual Clips
      Creating virtual clips
Using Clip Commands to Edit a Clip
      Using the Motion command
      Using the Duration and Speed commands
      Using the Frame Hold command
      The Maintain Aspect Ratio and Aspect Color commands

Chapter 11: Using Video Effects
Exploring Premiere's Video Effects Palette
      The Video Effects palette pop-up menu
      The Effect Controls palette
      The Effect Controls menu
Applying a Video Effect
Using Video Effects with Keyframes
      The keyframe track
Applying Effects to Different Image Areas Using an Image Matte
Touring Premiere's Video Effects
      The Adjust folder
      The Blur folder
      The Channel folder
      The Distort folder
      The Image Control folder
      The Perspective folder
      The Pixelate folder
      The QuickTime folder
      The Render folder
      The Sharpen folder
      The Stylize folder
      The Time folder
      The Transform folder
      The Video folder

Chapter 12: Superimposing
Understanding Transparency in Digital Video
      Fading video tracks
      Fading with the Fade Adjustment and Fade Scissors tools
Superimposing Tracks Using the Transparency Dialog Box
      Touring the Transparency Settings dialog box
      Chroma key
      RGB Difference key
      Blue Screen and Green Screen keys
      Non-Red key
      Luminance key
      The Alpha Channel key
      Black Alpha Matte and White Alpha Matte keys
      Image Matte key
      Difference Matte key
      Track Matte key
      Multiply and Screen
      Creating split screens using the None Key Type
      Creating Garbage mattes using a key

Chapter 13: Using Color Mattes and Backdrops
Creating a Color Matte
      Creating a color matte from the Project window
      Editing a color matte
Creating a Backdrop from a Still Frame
Creating Background Mattes in Photoshop
      Creating simple backgrounds with the Gradient tool
      Creating background patterns with Pattern Fill
Creating Background Mattes in Illustrator
Creating Backgrounds and QuickTime Movies with Painter

Chapter 14: Creating Motion Effects in Premiere
Touring the Motion Settings Dialog Box
      Previewing motion settings
      Editing the motion path
      Using the Timeline to preview and add keyframes
      Changing speed
      Creating zooms, delays, distortion, and rotation
      Fill Color
      Saving loading, resetting, and removing settings
      Editing motion settings
Using Alpha Channels
Creating Traveling Mattes
Creating Motion Settings Projects
      Creating a presentation
      Animating a book cover

Chapter 15: Enhancing Video
The RGB Color Model
      Changing brightness and contrast
      Balancing colors
      Changing levels
      Using other Adjust filters
      The Image Control effects
      The Video folder effects
Retouching and Color Correcting with Photoshop
      Loading a video clip into Photoshop
Using Selections in Photoshop
      Selecting a color range
      Saving selections to alpha channels
Using Photoshop's Image Adjust Commands
      Using the Info palette
      Color Balance
      Using Photoshop to add and delete people from video clips

Part V: Outputting Digital Video from Premiere

Chapter 16: Exporting QuickTime and AVI Movies
Beginning the Export Process
Changing Export Settings
Changing Video Settings
      Choosing a QuickTime compressor
      Choosing a video for Windows compressor
      Changing bit depth
      Choosing quality
      Choosing a data rate
      Setting recompression
      Changing frame rates and frame size
      Specifying keyframes
Changing Audio Settings
      Choosing QuickTime audio codecs
      Choosing other audio settings
      Choosing video for Windows audio codecs

Chapter 17: Outputting to the Web and Intranets
Web File Formats
Understanding HTML
      How a movie is loaded onto a Web page
      QuickTime settings for Web pages
Placing a QuickTime Movie into a Web Page with Adobe GoLive
Using QuickTime Tracks for the Web
      Creating a Web link in Premiere
      Using Adobe GoLive to edit and create QuickTime tracks
      Changing location and creating simple behaviors

Chapter 18: Exporting Video to the Web
Exporting to the Web with RealNetworks' Advanced RealMedia Plug-In
      Exporting from Premiere
Exporting to the Web with Cleaner EZ
      QuickTime Progressive Download
      QuickTime streaming
      Windows Media -- Video
Using the Advanced Windows Media Plug-In

Chapter 19: Exporting to Videotape and Edit Decision Lists
Preparing to Export Video
      Checking project settings
      Previewing at final project speed
      Checking scratch disk and device control settings
      Setting playback options
Exporting by Using Device Control
      Exporting by using DV device control
      Exporting by using analog device control
Exporting without Device Control
Exporting an Edit Decision List
      Creating the Edit Decision List
      Using transitions in Edit Decision Lists

Chapter 20: Outputting to CD-ROM and Using Macromedia Director
Exporting Premiere Movies to CD-ROM
      Project settings for CD-ROM
      Using Cleaner EZ to output to CD-ROM
Using Macromedia Director
      Director overview
Importing Premiere Movies into Director
      Changing movie properties
      Placing the movie onstage
      Using Lingo
      Creating behaviors
      Creating your own Lingo
      Playing a portion of digital movie

Part VI: Premiere and Beyond

Chapter 21: Trimming Clips in After Effects
Trimming in After Effects: What's It All About?
Trimming By Using the Time Layout Window
Trimming By Using the Layer Window
Exporting Your Adobe After Effects Files
Importing After Effects Files into Premiere

Chapter 22: The Photoshop Connection
Exporting a Premiere Frame to Photoshop
      Importing a still frame from Premiere into Photoshop
Exporting a Premiere Frame from After Effects to Photoshop
Working with Photoshop Layers and Channels
      Creating a Photoshop layer file and duplicating a layer
      Creating a Photoshop file with an alpha channel
      Importing Photoshop layers and alpha channels to Premiere
      Placing Photoshop layer and alpha channel files in video tracks

Chapter 23: Using Adobe Premiere and Adobe Illustrator
Working with Illustrator Type
      Converting Illustrator type to path outlines
      Manipulating type path outlines
Creating Masks in Illustrator
Importing Illustrator Files into Premiere

Chapter 24: Working with Masks in Adobe After Effects
After Effects Masks: An Overview
Creating Oval and Rectangle Masks
Editing an Oval/Rectangle Mask with the Layer Window and Layer Menu
Creating a Beziér Mask
Editing a Mask with the Time Layout Window
Importing Masks from Illustrator and Photoshop
      Loading an Illustrator path into After Effects as a mask

Chapter 25: Adding Special Effects in Adobe After Effects
How After Effects Works
Importing Premiere Projects into After Effects
Importing a Photoshop File and Animating It in After Effects
Importing an Illustrator File and Animating It in After Effects
Creating and Animating Type in After Effects
Working with Motion Paths
Creating a Composite Video Clip

Chapter 26: Third-Party Special Effects Software
Introduction to Third-Party Softwares
Installing third-party software
Using third-party software
Pixélan SpiceMaster
Boris FX Pro
Boris Graffiti
SFX Machine

Appendix A: What's on the CD

Appendix B: Places to Visit on the Web

Appendix C: Licensing QuickTime

Appendix D: The Digital Video Recording Studio


L'auteur - Adele Droblas

Adele Droblas is an artist, writer, and computer consultant. She has produced digital video clips that appear on the Web for her clients.

L'auteur - Seth Greenberg

Seth Greenberg is a computer consultant, programmer, and author. He has worked as a television producer and scriptwriter.

Caractéristiques techniques

Éditeur(s) IDG
Auteur(s) Adele Droblas, Seth Greenberg
Parution 01/06/2001
Nb. de pages 610
Format 18,8 x 23,5
Couverture Broché
Poids 1106g
Intérieur Noir et Blanc
EAN13 9780764534560
ISBN13 978-0-7645-3456-0

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