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ADO Programming in Visual Basic 6
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Librairie Eyrolles - Paris 5e

ADO Programming in Visual Basic 6

ADO Programming in Visual Basic 6

Steven Holzner

640 pages, parution le 10/11/1999


High-performance database access techniques for every application Detailed coverage of browser-based and multi-tier applications Start-to-finish coverage of the ADO object model The ADO control: powerful new events, exposed properties, and data binding techniques Using Remote Data Service (RDS) to transport ADO recordsets between server and client Filled with examples, tips, and solved database access problems

The most thorough, practical ADO tutorial and reference ever published.

In ADO Programming in Visual Basic, master Visual Basic programmer Steven Holzner has written the first tutorial/reference designed to give experienced Visual Basic 6 developers absolute mastery over ADO. Absolutely comprehensive, and filled with realistic examples, inside tips, and solved problems, it's the total ADO guide for sophisticated VB developers.

With Holzner's expert guidance, you'll master the ADO object model from start to finish: database tools, creating data objects, transactions, using the ADO object library, using the Remote Data Service (RDS), making the most of data shaping, using the ADO control in Visual Basic applications, ADO integration with Microsoft Internet Explorer, and more. This book lays out in detail the difficult topics other books avoid, and provides a full reference to ADO.

Discover the best ways to achieve high-performance database access, whether you're creating a front-end database client or middle-tier business object, using an application, tool, language, or even an Internet browser.

About the CD-ROM

CD-ROM contains all the code samples from the book, covering virtually every type of data access application you're likely to encounter.

The author

STEVEN HOLZNER has written more than 50 books, including MCSD: Designing and Implementing Visual Basic 6 Desktop Applications (Prentice Hall PTR). He co-authored the best-selling Peter Norton's Guide to Visual Basic 6, many other Visual Basic bestsellers, and is former contributing editor for PC Magazine.

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • Visual Basic Database Programming
  • What Are Databases?
  • Flat and Relational Databases
  • Multi-Tiered Database Architecture
  • Using Databases in Visual Basic
  • Using Data Controls
  • Using Database Object Libraries
  • DAO
  • The DAO Data Control
  • RDO
  • The RDO Data Control
  • ADO
  • Connection Objects
  • Command Objects
  • Parameter Objects
  • Recordset Objects
  • Field Objects
  • Error Objects
  • Property Objects
  • The ADO Data Control
  • Getting Started with the ADO Data Control
  • Adding an ADO Data Control to a Form
  • Creating a Connection String
  • Getting Records from a Database
  • Binding Controls to the ADO Data Control
  • What's New in Recent Versions of ADO?
  • New in ADO 2.0
  • New in ADO 2.1
  • Writing Bulletproof Database Programs by
  • Validating User Data
  • Data Validation Using the Causes
  • Validation Property and Validate Event
  • Disabling and Hiding Controls
  • Form-Level Data Validation
  • Some Basic SQL
  • The SELECT Statement
  • Selecting Specific Fields
  • The WHERE Clause
  • The BETWEEN Clause
  • The LIKE Clause
  • The IN Clause
  • Logical Operations
  • The DISTINCT Clause
  • The Order BY Clause
  • The AS Clause
  • The GROUP BY Clause
  • The HAVING Clause
  • The DELETE Statement
  • The UPDATE Statement
  • Joining Tables
  • Visual Basic Database Tools
  • The Visual Data Manager
  • Creating a New Database
  • Creating a New Table
  • Creating Fields in a Table
  • Adding Data to a Table
  • Editing a Database
  • Using the Query Builder
  • The Data Form Wizard
  • Data Environments
  • Data Environments at Design-Time
  • Data Environments at Run-Time
  • Creating a Data Environment
  • Data Views
  • Database Diagrams and the Database
  • Designer
  • Tables
  • Views and the Query Designer
  • Stored Procedures
  • Triggers
  • Data Report Designer
  • Data Projects
  • Modeling Multi-Tier Database Architectures
  • The Microsoft Transaction Server
  • Using the ADO Data Control
  • ADO Data Control Overview
  • Properties of the ADO Data Control
  • Align
  • Appearance
  • BackColor, ForeColor
  • BOFAction
  • CacheSize
  • Caption
  • Causes Validation
  • CommandTimeout
  • CommandType
  • ConnectionString
  • ConnectionTimeout
  • Container
  • CursorLocation
  • CursorType
  • DragIcon
  • DragMode
  • Enabled
  • EOFAction
  • Font
  • Height, Width
  • Index
  • Left, Top
  • LockType
  • MaxRecords
  • Mode
  • Negotiate
  • Orientation
  • Password
  • Recordset
  • RecordSource
  • Tag
  • ToolTipText
  • UserName
  • Visible
  • WhatsThisHelpID
  • Methods of the ADO Data Control
  • Drag
  • Move
  • Refresh
  • SetFocus
  • ShowWhatsThis
  • Zorder
  • Events of the ADO Data Control
  • Data Validation with the ADO Data Control
  • DragDrop
  • DragOver
  • EndOfRecordset
  • Error
  • FieldChangeComplete
  • MouseDown
  • MouseMove
  • MouseUp
  • MoveComplete
  • RecordChangeComplete
  • RecordsetChangeComplete
  • WillChangeField
  • WillChangeRecord
  • WillChangeRecordset
  • WillMove
  • Using the ADO Data Control
  • Adding an ADO Data Control to a Form
  • Connecting an ADO Data Control to a Data Source
  • Setting the Record Source
  • Binding to Text Boxes
  • Binding Controls from Code
  • Using the ADO Data Control's Recordset Object
  • Moving to the Next Record
  • Moving to the Previous Record
  • Moving to the First Record
  • Moving to the Last Record
  • Adding Records
  • Deleting Records
  • Refreshing the ADO Data Control
  • Updating a Database
  • Using Data-Bound Controls
  • Data Binding Overview
  • Data Binding Properties
  • Text Boxes, RichTextBoxes, Masked Edit
  • Controls, and Labels
  • Check Boxes
  • Picture Boxes, Image Controls, and OLE
  • Controls
  • List Boxes and Combo Boxes
  • DateTimePickers and MonthViews
  • DataRepeaters
  • Charts
  • DBLists and DBCombos
  • Hierarchical FlexGrids
  • DataLists and DataCombos
  • DataGrids
  • Using Standard Data Binding
  • Using ADO Data Binding
  • Using the DataCombo Control
  • Using the DataList Control
  • Using the DataGrid Control
  • Using the Hierarchical FlexGrid Control
  • Binding to a Data Environment
  • Data Binding at Run-Time
  • Connecting to Databases
  • Connecting with an ADO Data Control
  • Connecting with a Data Environment
  • Connecting with a Connection Object
  • Connection Object Properties
  • Attributes
  • CommandTimeout
  • ConnectionString
  • ConnectionTimeout
  • CursorLocation
  • DefaultDatabase
  • IsolationLevel
  • Mode
  • Provider
  • State
  • Connection Object Methods
  • BeginTrans
  • Cancel
  • Close
  • CommitTrans
  • Execute
  • Open
  • OpenSchema
  • RollbackTrans
  • Connection Object Events
  • BeginTransComplete
  • CommitTransComplete
  • ConnectComplete
  • Disconnect
  • ExecuteComplete
  • InfoMessage
  • RollbackTransComplete
  • WillConnect
  • WillExecute
  • Connection Object Collections
  • Creating Connection Strings
  • Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC
  • Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Microsoft
  • Index Server
  • Connection String Parameters for OLE DB
  • Provider for Microsoft Jet
  • Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
  • Programming with the ADO Library in Code
  • Opening ADO Connections
  • Opening a Connection Asynchronously
  • Setting Cursor Location
  • Closing Connections
  • Opening Recordsets with Connections
  • Using the Connection Object's Execute
  • Method
  • Using Transactions
  • Connection Pooling
  • Using ADO Commands
  • Using Commands in ADO Data Controls
  • Using Commands in Data Environments
  • Using ADO Command Objects
  • Command Object Properties
  • ActiveConnection
  • CommandText
  • CommandTimeout
  • CommandType
  • Prepared
  • State
  • Command Object Methods
  • Cancel
  • CreateParameter
  • Execute
  • Command Object Collections
  • Parameters
  • Properties
  • Parameter Objects
  • Parameter Object Properties
  • Attributes
  • Direction
  • Name
  • NumericScale
  • Precision
  • Size
  • Type
  • Value
  • Parameter Object Methods
  • AppendChunk
  • Parameter Object Collections
  • Properties
  • Command Text By OLE DB Provider
  • Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC
  • Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Microsoft
  • Index Server
  • Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Microsoft
  • Active Directory Service
  • OLE DB Provider for Microsoft Jet
  • Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
  • Executing Commands
  • Opening Tables
  • Executing SQL
  • Commands as Connection Methods
  • Using Parameters
  • Using Parameters with Commands as
  • Connection Methods
  • Using Stored Procedures
  • Using Stored Procedures as Connection
  • Methods
  • Adding Images to Parameters
  • Command Object Return Values
  • The ADO Recordset Object
  • Using ADO Recordsets in ADO Data Controls
  • Using ADO Recordsets in Data Environments
  • ADO Recordset Objects
  • Recordset Properties
  • AbsolutePage
  • AbsolutePosition
  • ActiveCommand
  • ActiveConnection
  • BOF
  • Bookmark
  • CacheSize
  • CursorLocation
  • CursorType
  • DataMember
  • DataSource
  • EditMode
  • EOF
  • Filter
  • LockType
  • MarshalOptions
  • MaxRecords
  • PageCount
  • PageSize
  • RecordCount
  • Sort
  • Source
  • State
  • Status
  • StayInSync
  • Recordset Methods
  • AddNew
  • Cancel
  • CancelBatch
  • CancelUpdate
  • Clone
  • Close
  • CompareBookmarks
  • Delete
  • Find
  • GetRows
  • GetString

L'auteur - Steven Holzner

Steve Holzner is an award-winning author who has been writing about Java topics since Java first appeared. He's a former PC Magazine contributing editor, and his many books have been translated into 18 languages around the world. His books sold more than 1.5 million copies, and many of his bestsellers have been on Java.

Steve graduated from MIT and got his PhD at Cornell; he's been a very popular member of the faculty at both MIT and Cornell, teaching thousands of students over the years and earning an average student evaluation over 4.9 out of 5.0. He also runs his own software company and teaches week-long classes to corporate programmers on Java around the country.

Autres livres de Steven Holzner

Caractéristiques techniques

Éditeur(s) Prentice Hall
Auteur(s) Steven Holzner
Parution 10/11/1999
Nb. de pages 640
Format 17,8 x 23,5
Poids 1250g
EAN13 9780130858573


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