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The New Financial Order
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Librairie Eyrolles - Paris 5e

The New Financial Order

The New Financial Order

Risk in the 21st Century

Robert J. Shiller

380 pages, parution le 01/04/2003


In his best-selling Irrational Exuberance, Robert Shiller cautioned that society's obsession with the stock market was fueling the volatility that has since made a roller coaster of the financial system. Less noted was Shiller's admonition that our infatuation with the stock market distracts us from more durable economic prospects. These lie in the hidden potential of real assets, such as income from our livelihoods and homes. But these 'ordinary riches,' so fundamental to our well-being, are increasingly exposed to the pervasive risks of a rapidly changing global economy. This compelling and important new book presents a fresh vision for hedging risk and securing our economic future.

Shiller describes six fundamental ideas for using modern information technology and advanced financial theory to temper basic risks that have been ignored by risk management institutions--risks to the value of our jobs and our homes, to the vitality of our communities, and to the very stability of national economies. Informed by a comprehensive risk information database, this new financial order would include global markets for trading risks and exploiting myriad new financial opportunities, from inequality insurance to intergenerational social security. Just as developments in insuring risks to life, health, and catastrophe have given us a quality of life unimaginable a century ago, so Shiller's plan for securing crucial assets promises to substantially enrich our condition.

Once again providing an enormous service, Shiller gives us a powerful means to convert our ordinary riches into a level of economic security, equity, and growth never before seen. And once again, what Robert Shiller says should be read and heeded by anyone with a stake in the economy.


Part One: Economic Risks in an Advancing World
  • One What the World Might Have Looked Like since 1950
  • Two The Hidden Problem of Economic Risk
  • Three Why New Technology Creates Risks
  • Four Forty Thieves: The Many Kinds of Economic Risks
Part Two: How Science and Technology Create New Opportunities in Finance
  • Five New Information Technology Applied to Risk
  • Management
  • Six The Science of Psychology Applied to Risk
  • Management
  • Seven The Nature of Invention in Finance
Part Three: Six Ideas for a New Financial Order
  • Eight Insurance for Livelihoods and Home Values
  • Nine Macro Markets: Trading the Biggest Risks
  • Ten Income-Linked Loans: Reducing the Risks of Hardship
  • and Bankruptcy
  • Eleven Inequality Insurance: Protecting the Distribution
  • of Income
  • Twelve Intergenerational Social Security: Sharing Risks
  • between Young and Old
  • Thirteen International Agreements for Risk Control
Part Four: Deploying the New Financial Order
  • Fourteen Global Risk Information Databases
  • Fifteen New Units of Measurement and Electronic Money
  • Sixteen Making the Ideas Work: Research and Advocacy
Part Five: The New Financial Order as a Continuation of a Historical Process
  • Seventeen Lessons from Major Financial Inventions
  • Eighteen Lessons from Major Social Insurance Inventions
Epilogue A Model of Radical Financial Innovation

L'auteur - Robert J. Shiller

Robert Shiller, prix Nobel d'économie 2013, est professeur d'économie et de finance à Yale.

Autres livres de Robert J. Shiller

Caractéristiques techniques

Éditeur(s) Princeton University Press
Auteur(s) Robert J. Shiller
Parution 01/04/2003
Nb. de pages 380
Format 16 x 24
Couverture Relié
Poids 691g
Intérieur Noir et Blanc
EAN13 9780691091723
ISBN13 978-0-691-09172-3


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