Yanek Korff
Biographie de Yanek Korff
Yanek Korff graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from the College of William and Mary and is currently a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP). Mr. Korff joined Bell Atlantic as a Systems Engineer where he played a major role in the strategy, design, and deployment of a key Northern Virginia test facility. He later joined Cigital, Inc., a software quality management company, where he played a crucial role in the design of their systems infrastructure. He is now an essential member of the Information Security division at America Online. During his career, Mr. Korff has been able to identify and mitigate information security risks particularily relating to host-based BSD security. By leveraging his experience, he has been able to apply security fundamentals to influence business and industry practices.
Livres de Yanek Korff
Auteurs : Yanek Korff, Paco Hope, Bruce Potter
Éditeur : O'Reilly
Date de parution : 28/04/2005