Tim Kennedy
Biographie de Tim Kennedy
Tim Kennedy is the originator of Just SMIL(http: / /JustSMIL.com) , the first major informational Web site about the SMIL language. His company, Online Delivery, created the original Streaming Media World (http: www.streamingmediaworld.com) site for Internet.com. His speaking appearances include informational sessions at Internet World and RealNetworks conferences. An enthusiast for all types of media production, he is currently Chair of the Media Communication and Technology program at Bellevue Community College.
Livres de Tim Kennedy
Auteur : Tim Kennedy
Éditeur : Nimrod
Date de parution : 18/01/2024
Expédié sous 5 jours
21,00 €
15,99 €
Auteurs : Tim Kennedy, Mary Slowinski
Éditeur : Sams
Date de parution : 08/01/2002