Thomas P. Boehm
Biographie de Thomas P. Boehm
Thomas P. Boehm is a member of the senior technical staff at iProperty.com, a real-estate-transaction e-commerce solution provider, where he is responsible for the technical aspects of the Webcluster solution and providing customer support and training solutions. He also serves as technical director at Tekworks, Inc., which specializes in e-commerce Web site solutions. Previously, Thomas was the director of technology services at the Indiana University School of Dentistry, where he coordinated and administered the computer network and Internet activities. After receiving a master's degree in computer science from Purdue University, where he specialized in networking and database design, he joined a research team at the Purdue University School of Engineering in Indianapolis, Indiana, to work on a hierarchical storage solution project.
Livres de Thomas P. Boehm
Auteurs : Thomas P. Boehm, John Gosney
Éditeur : Prima Publishing
Date de parution : 01/10/2000
Auteur : Thomas P. Boehm
Éditeur : Prentice Hall
Date de parution : 01/08/2000