Ted Pattison
Biographie de Ted Pattison
Ted Pattison is a cofounder of Barracuda.NET, a company dedicated to helping developers and companies become successful in building networked applications. Ted has worked in the software industry as a developer and educator since 1990. His primary focus over the last decade has been teaching software developers how to use technologies and tools associated with Microsoft's development platform. Ted is the best-selling author of Programming Distributed Applications with COM+ and VB 6.0 and is a regular contributor to MSDN magazine, where he writes the "Basic Instincts" column.
Livres de Ted Pattison
Auteurs : Ted Pattison, Joe Hummel
Éditeur : Addison Wesley
Date de parution : 03/11/2003
Auteurs : Joe Hummel, Ted Pattison, Justin Gehtland, Doug Turnure, Brian A. Randell
Éditeur : Addison Wesley
Date de parution : 15/07/2001
Auteur : Ted Pattison
Éditeur : Microsoft Press
Date de parution : 22/06/2000
Auteur : Ted Pattison
Éditeur : Microsoft Press
Date de parution : 10/05/1999