Sudhir S. Dixit
Biographie de Sudhir S. Dixit
SUDHIR DIXIT, PHD, is a Research Fellow at Nokia Research Center, Burlington, Massachusetts. In addition to engineering and management positions with such industry leaders as Verizon, Motorola, GTE, Wang, Harris, and STL (now Nortel Europe), Dr. Dixit's distinguished career has included serving as General or Technical Chair at global conferences and industry events. He has been an ATM Forum Ambassador since 1996, and currently represents Nokia at the Wireless World Research Forum as a Steering Board Member. Dr. Dixit has held editorships with IEEE Network, Optical Networks Magazine, and IEEE Communications Magazine and serves on the editorial boards of several top industry journals. He has published and presented over 150 papers and has twenty-seven patents either granted or pending.
Livres de Sudhir S. Dixit
Auteurs : Sudhir S. Dixit, Tao Wu
Éditeur : Wiley
Date de parution : 14/10/2004
Auteur : Sudhir S. Dixit
Éditeur : Wiley
Date de parution : 15/04/2003
Auteurs : Sudhir S. Dixit, Ramjee Prasad
Éditeur : Artech House
Date de parution : 31/12/2002