Stu Sjouwerman
Biographie de Stu Sjouwerman
Stu Sjouwerman is president of Sunbelt Software, an
international B2B Internet company specializing in system
management tools and network utilities to manage
e-businesses running on Windows NT/2000. He is the editor
of Sunbelt's W2Knews (the original NTools E-news) that goes
to 600,000 subscribers and is also the primary system
operator for the MCSE, NTSYSADMIN, Exchange, and MSSQL
discussion lists. Barry Shilmover runs a computer training
and consulting company in Calgary, Alberta. He has authored
and co-authored several books ranging in topics from
Exchange 5.5 to Windows NT to Novell NetWare. He
specializes in Windows NT/2000 installation and
configuration, network design, and Exchange 5.5/2000
Livres de Stu Sjouwerman
Auteurs : Barry Shilmover, Shilmover, Stu Sjouwerman
Éditeur : New Riders
Date de parution : 01/06/2001
Auteurs : Barry Shilmover, Stu Sjouwerman
Éditeur : Coriolis
Date de parution : 15/07/2000
Auteurs : Ed Tittel, Stu Sjouwerman
Éditeur : Que
Date de parution : 10/09/1999
Auteurs : James Michael Stewart, Stu Sjouwerman
Éditeur : Que