Steven A. Smith
Biographie de Steven A. Smith
Steven A. Smith, Microsoft ASP.NET MVP, is president and owner of ASPAlliance.com, LLC, the #1 ASP.NET developer community, which provides articles, forums, listservs, and sample code for ASP and ASP.NET developers. He is also the owner and head instructor for ASPSmith Ltd, a .NET-focused training company. Steve speaks at several conferences each year and has written articles for MSDN and AspNetPRO magazines in addition to his first book, ASP.NET By Example. Steve has a Master's degree in Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science Engineering. When he isn't working, Steve enjoys swimming, biking, and computer games. Steve lives in Ohio with his wife Michelle and daughter Ilyana.
Livres de Steven A. Smith
Auteurs : Steven A. Smith, Robert Howard
Éditeur : Sams
Date de parution : 08/07/2003
Auteur : Steven A. Smith
Éditeur : Que
Date de parution : 16/01/2002