Steve McConnell
Biographie de Steve McConnell
Steve McConnell is CEO and chief software engineer at Construx Software, where he oversees their software engineering practices, teaches classes, and writes books and articles. Steve is the author of the computing industry classics Code Complete and Rapid Development, both winners of Software Development magazine's Jolt award for outstanding software development books for their respective years. He is also the author of Software Project Survival Guide and numerous technical articles. Steve was editor-in-chief of IEEE Software magazine from 1998 to 2002.
Livres de Steve McConnell
Auteur : Steve McConnell
Éditeur : Microsoft Press
Date de parution : 14/02/2005
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Auteur : Steve McConnell
Éditeur : Microsoft Press
Date de parution : 02/06/2004
Auteur : Steve McConnell
Éditeur : Addison Wesley
Date de parution : 04/09/2003
Auteur : Steve McConnell
Éditeur : Microsoft Press
Date de parution : 12/10/1997
Auteur : Steve McConnell
Éditeur : Microsoft Press
Date de parution : 02/07/1996