Steve Brown
Biographie de Steve Brown
In his sixteen years of experience developing custom network, multimedia, and business software, Steve Brown has mastered writing innovative code and teaching programmers to do the same. He is president and owner of MYLE Software and Consulting and author of Visual Basic 5: No experience required and Visual Basic 6 In Record Time.
Livres de Steve Brown
Auteurs : Steve Brown, Richard Lamming, John Bessant, Peter Jones
Éditeur : Elsevier
Date de parution : 29/12/2004
Auteurs : Mike Gunderloy, A. Russell Jones, Wayne S. Freeze, Steve Brown
Éditeur : Sybex
Date de parution : 01/12/1999
Auteur : Steve Brown
Éditeur : Sybex
Date de parution : 01/11/1999