Stephane Mallat
Biographie de Stephane Mallat
is an Associate Professor in the Computer Science
Department of the Courant institute of Mathematical
Sciences at New York University, and a Professor in the
Applied Mathematics Department at Ecole Polytechnique,
Paris, France. He has been a visiting Professor in the
Electrical Engineering Department at Massachusetts
Institute of Technology and in the Applied Mathematics
Department at the University of Tel Aviv. His research
interests include computer vision, signal processing and
diverse applications of wavelet transforms. Dr. Mallat
received the 1990 IEEE Signal Processing Society's paper
award, the 1993 Alfred Sloan fellowship in Mathematics, the
1997 Outstanding Achievement Award from the SPIE Optical
Engineering Society, and the 1997 Blaise Pascal Prize in
applied mathematics, from the French Academy of
Livres de Stephane Mallat
Auteur : Stephane Mallat
Éditeur : Ellipses
Date de parution : 12/09/2001
Expédié sous 6 jours
55,80 €
Auteur : Stephane Mallat
Éditeurs : Fayard, Collège de France
Date de parution : 26/09/2018
Indisponible définitivement
Auteur : Stephane Mallat
Éditeur : Apress
Date de parution : 01/09/1999
Auteur : Stephane Mallat
Éditeur : Apress
Date de parution : 11/03/1998