Simon Harris
Biographie de Simon Harris
Simon Harris started writing animated sprites on a Commodore 64 in primary school. After a break of many years, he taught himself 80x86 and IBM System/370 assembler and started working professionally. Since then he has moved from assembler to C, C++, and, of course, Java. He believes a fundamental understanding and appreciation of algorithms is essential to developing good software; and since starting his own company, RedHill Consulting, he has managed to make a living discussing and demonstrating software development practices and techniques to anyone who will listen.
Livres de Simon Harris
Auteurs : Michel Bernasconi, Simon Harris, Mette Moensted
Éditeur : Routledge
Date de parution : 28/02/2006
Auteurs : Simon Harris, James Ross
Éditeur : Wrox Press
Date de parution : 28/11/2005