Rob Castle
Biographie de Rob Castle
Rob Castle - Rob Castle is a Principal at NuWave
Solutions. He has over 15 years of experience in the
computer industry including program manager, project
management, system architect and lead developer for many
large application development efforts. At NuWave Solutions,
Rob's leadership responsibilities include strategic
planning, sales and recruiting. Additionally, Rob has
program management and system architecture responsibilities
for strategic customer engagements and is a certified
trainer. Prior to NuWave Solutions, Rob has lead major
development efforts at Metamor Technologies, Per-Se
Technologies and AON Consulting. Rob graduated Summa Cum
Laude from Elon College with a B.A degree in
Livres de Rob Castle
Auteurs : Howard Block, Rob Castle, David Hritz
Éditeur : Apress
Date de parution : 27/03/2003