Pedro Meyer
Biographie de Pedro Meyer
Veteran photographer Pedro Meyer (top left, bottom right) has had 125 exhibitions, published three highly acclaimed books, and produced several seminal CD-ROMs during his 40-year career. He is the curator and creator of the highly regarded ZoneZero Web site, a community and gallery for photographers from around the world. He lives in Mexico City and is currently working on a major online exhibition of his work.
Livres de Pedro Meyer
Auteur : Pedro Meyer
Éditeur : New Riders
Date de parution : 30/08/2005
Auteurs : T. Burnier, Pedro Meyer, R. Stussi, L. Veuve, Michel Bassand
Éditeur : Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes (PPUR)
Date de parution : 01/04/1986
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