Pawan K. Bhardwaj
Biographie de Pawan K. Bhardwaj
Pawan K. Bhardwaj (MCSE, MCP+I, and CCNA) is a consultant, technical trainer, and a freelance author. He started his IT career in 1986 as a polytechnic instructor and since then has spent over 13 years in this industry working at various systems and network support levels. He has been involved in designing and implementing Windows NT-based LAN and WAN solutions for several small and medium-sized companies; these include a manufacturing company; one of India's largest newspaper groups, Hind Samacher; and a large e-commerce company in the United States. He has also been teaching MCSE classes for quite some time. Pawan is currently working toward attaining his MCT certification. He can be reached at pawan bhardwaj@hotmail.com.
Livres de Pawan K. Bhardwaj
Auteur : Pawan K. Bhardwaj
Éditeur : O'Reilly
Date de parution : 15/03/2007
Auteurs : Pawan K. Bhardwaj, Roger A. Grimes
Éditeur : O'Reilly
Date de parution : 17/11/2006
Auteurs : Pawan K. Bhardwaj, Kimon Andreou
Éditeur : Syngress
Date de parution : 09/10/2006
Auteurs : Syngress Media, Pawan K. Bhardwaj
Éditeur : Mc Graw Hill
Date de parution : 01/11/2000