Michael G. Kay
Biographie de Michael G. Kay
has spent most of his career as a software designer and systems architect with ICL, the IT services supplier. As an ICL Fellow, he divides his time between external activities and mainstream projects for clients, mainly in the area of electronic commerce and publishing. His background is in database technology: he has worked on the design of network, relational, and object-oriented database software products as well as a text search engine. In the XML world he is known as the developer of the open source Saxon product, the first fully-conformant implementation of the XSLT standard.
Michael lives in Reading, Berkshire with his wife and
daughter. His hobbies, as you might guess from the examples
in this book, include genealogy and choral singing.
Livres de Michael G. Kay
Auteur : Michael G. Kay
Éditeur : Wrox Press
Date de parution : 15/04/2000
Auteurs : Richard Anderson, David Baliles, Mark Birbeck, Michael G. Kay, Steven Livingstone-Perez, Brian Loesgen
Éditeur : Wrox Press
Date de parution : 15/01/2000
Auteurs : Ren C. Luo, Michael G. Kay
Éditeur : Ablex
Date de parution : 10/12/1994