Louis Rosenfeld
Biographie de Louis Rosenfeld
Lou Rosenfeld is an independent information architecture
consultant. He has been instrumental in helping establish
the field of information architecture, and in articulating
the role and value of librarianship within the field. Lou
played a leading role in organizing and programming the
first three information architecture conferences (both
ASIS&T Summits and IA 2000). He also presents and
moderates at such venues as CHI, COMDEX, Intranets, and the
web design conferences produced by Miller Freeman, C|net
and Thunder Lizard. He teaches tutorials as part of the
Nielsen Norman Group User Experience Conference.
Livres de Louis Rosenfeld
Auteur : Louis Rosenfeld
Éditeur : O'Reilly
Date de parution : 10/10/2015
Auteurs : Peter Morville, Louis Rosenfeld
Éditeur : O'Reilly
Date de parution : 26/03/2007
Indisponible définitivement
Auteurs : Peter Morville, Louis Rosenfeld
Éditeur : O'Reilly
Date de parution : 12/12/2006
Auteurs : Louis Rosenfeld, Peter Morville
Éditeur : O'Reilly
Date de parution : 02/04/2003
Indisponible définitivement