Leander Kahney
Biographie de Leander Kahney
Leander Kahney covers Apple and the Mac community for Wired News, where he writes the wildly popular "Cult of Mac" column. Before joining Wired News, he was a senior writer at the legendary Mac magazine Macweek. Kahney has written for numerous publications, including Wired Magazine, Scientific American, Business 2.0, and the Guardian. He owns six computers, all of them Macs.
Livres de Leander Kahney
Auteur : Leander Kahney
Éditeur : First
Date de parution : 27/03/2014
Papier : Indisponible définitivement
13,99 €
Auteur : Leander Kahney
Éditeur : No Starch Press
Date de parution : 12/10/2006
Auteur : Leander Kahney
Éditeur : No Starch Press
Date de parution : 23/11/2004