Kristin A. Farry
Biographie de Kristin A. Farry
Kristin A. Farry is an engineer and pilot with more than
20 years of experience in aerospace, robotics, and
biomedical engineering. She is the cofounder and president
of Intelligenta, Inc., a bionics company. Dr. Farry has
also been a U.S. Air Force captain and a space shuttle
flight controller at Rockwell. She holds B.S., M.S.E., and
Ph.D. degrees in aerospace and electrical engineering, and
currently lives in Friendswood, Texas.
Livres de Kristin A. Farry
Auteurs : Ivy E. Hooks, Hooks, Kristin A. Farry
Éditeur : Amacom
Date de parution : 01/11/2000