Kate Shoup Welsh
Biographie de Kate Shoup Welsh
During the course of her career as a freelance writer, Kate Shoup Welsh has written or co-written several books on various topics, including Look & Learn FrontPage 2002, What Can You Do with a Major in Business, Not Your Mama's Beading, Not Your Mama's Stitching, Microsoft Windows Vista Visual Encyclopedia, and Webster's New World English Grammar Handbook. She has also co-written a screenplay and worked as the Sports Editor for NUVO Newsweekly. Prior to striking out on her own, Kate worked as an editor at a computer-book publishing company, where she engaged in such diverse professional activities as consulting on the development of new series, consulting on ways to improve the publishing workflow, and editing numerous standout titles. When not writing, Kate loves to ski (she was once nationally ranked), make jewelry, and play video poker - and she plays a mean game of 9-ball. Kate lives in Indianapolis, Indiana, with her husband, their daughter, and their cat.
Livres de Kate Shoup Welsh
Auteurs : Kate Shoup Welsh, Kate J. Chase
Éditeur : First
Date de parution : 23/05/2007
Indisponible définitivement
Auteurs : Kate Shoup Welsh, Kate J. Chase
Éditeur : Wiley
Date de parution : 05/04/2007