Jean Tabaka
Biographie de Jean Tabaka
Jean Tabaka is an Agile Coach with Rally Software Development, specializing in creating, coaching and mentoring collaborative, agile software teams. Jean brings over 25 years of experience in software development to the agile plate in a variety of organizational contexts including internal IT departments, ISVs, government agencies, and consulting organizations. Having implemented both plan-driven and agile development approaches for Sybase, Siebel Systems, and Qwest, as well as a variety of smaller ventures, her work has spanned industries and continents. As an agile mentor, Jean coaches software teams through training and facilitation to adopt agile principles and practices using a hybrid of the leading agile methods. With a passion around collaboration practices through facilitation techniques, she guides organizations in creating high-performance teams. She is the co-author of Physical Database Design for Sybase SQL Server and is a frequent lecturer and contributor on the topic of collaboration practices in agile teams. A Certified Scrum Master as well as Certified Scrum Trainer and Certified Professional Facilitator, she holds a Master of Arts from Michigan State University and a Master of Computer Science from Johns Hopkins University.
Livres de Jean Tabaka
Auteurs : Véronique Messager, Jean Tabaka
Éditeur : Eyrolles
Date de parution : 15/11/2007
Indisponible définitivement
Auteur : Jean Tabaka
Éditeur : Addison Wesley
Date de parution : 09/02/2006