Jared Smith
Biographie de Jared Smith
Jared Smith is a long time member of the Asterisk community, and a co-founder of the Asterisk Documentation Project. Jared has over a decade of systems administration and programming experience, along with several years of professional telephony and voice-over-IP experience. As the architect of one of the world's largest Asterisk installations, he has a wealth of hands-on Asterisk knowledge.
Livres de Jared Smith
Auteurs : Jim Van Meggelen, Jared Smith, Leif Madsen
Éditeur : O'Reilly
Date de parution : 01/08/2007
Auteurs : Jim Van Meggelen, Jared Smith, Leif Madsen
Éditeur : O'Reilly
Date de parution : 15/06/2006
Indisponible provisoirement
Auteurs : Jared Smith, Jim Van Meggeln, Leif Madsen
Éditeur : O'Reilly
Date de parution : 07/11/2005
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