Ian Oeschger
Biographie de Ian Oeschger
Ian Oeschger is Senior Principal Writer at Netscape
Communications, where mozilla.org was started over three
years ago. His abiding interest in language is the basis
for some of his more recent infatuations with Python, XML,
web application development, and linguistics. He maintains
a number of the XPFE documents on mozilla.org, including
the XUL and DOM References. Ian published several articles
about XML and mozilla application development for O'Reilly,
and also wrote the themes documentation for Netscape, the
XPInstall API Reference, and others. Before getting
involved with Mozilla and Netscape, he worked at Oceania, a
startup doing XML-based electronic medical records and
charting software.
Livres de Ian Oeschger
Auteurs : David Boswell, Brian King, Ian Oeschger, Pete Collins, Eric Murphy
Éditeur : O'Reilly
Date de parution : 05/11/2002