Greg N. Gregoriou
Biographie de Greg N. Gregoriou
Greg N. Gregoriou is Associate Professor of Finance and coordinator of faculty research in the School of Business and Economics at State University of New York, College at Plattsburgh. He obtained his PhD (Finance) from the University of Quebec at Montreal and is the hedge fund editor for the peer-reviewed journal Derivatives Use, Trading and Regulation published by Henry Stewart Publications based in the U.K. He has authored over 40 articles on hedge funds, and managed futures in various US and UK peer-reviewed publications, including the Journal of Futures Markets, European Journal of Finance, Journal of Asset Management, European Journal of Operational Research, and Annals of Operations Research. This is his fourth book with John Wiley & Sons.
Livres de Greg N. Gregoriou
Auteurs : Greg N. Gregoriou, Maher Kooli, Roman Kraeussl
Éditeur : Butterworth-Heinemann
Date de parution : 20/11/2006
Auteur : Greg N. Gregoriou
Éditeur : Butterworth-Heinemann
Date de parution : 13/09/2006
Auteurs : Paul U. Ali, Greg N. Gregoriou
Éditeur : Wiley
Date de parution : 15/03/2006
Auteurs : Greg N. Gregoriou, Georges Hübner, Nicolas Papageorggiou, Fabrice Douglas Rouah
Éditeur : Wiley
Date de parution : 29/09/2005
Auteurs : Greg N. Gregoriou, Vassilios N. Karavas, François-Serge Lhabitant, Fabrice Douglas Rouah
Éditeur : Wiley
Date de parution : 15/11/2004