Ed Lecky-Thompson
Biographie de Ed Lecky-Thompson
Ed Lecky-Thompson is the founder of Ashridge New Media, a professional new media technology consultancy based just outside London, England. Not content with the daily thrill of tax forms and payroll, he still gets involved at a hands-on level with all the company's projects and describes himself as "utterly obsessed with PHP," an obsession that shines through in the business, which works almost exclusively in the language. Ed has more than six years' experience in commercial software development and enterprise-level systems architecture across a myriad of platforms, with particularly strong exposure to open source technologies such as PHP and PERL on the languages front, and Linux and BSD on the systems front. Ed usually spends his spare time driving far too quickly through the English countryside.
Livres de Ed Lecky-Thompson
Auteurs : Ed Lecky-Thompson, Heow Eide-Goodman, Steven D. Nowicki, Alec Cove
Éditeur : Wrox Press
Date de parution : 07/12/2004
Auteurs : Dave W. Mercer, Allan Kent, Steven D. Nowicki, David Mercer, Dan Squier, Wankyu Choi, Heow Eide-Goodman, Ed Lecky-Thompson, Clark Morgan
Éditeur : Wrox Press
Date de parution : 27/05/2004