Christopher Smith
Biographie de Christopher Smith
Christopher Smith is president of American Graphics
Institute, the largest Adobe Certified Training Provider in
North America. He is an Adobe Certified Expert and Adobe
Certified Instructor for Adobe Acrobat versions 3, 4, and
5. He teaches classes on Acrobat and other publishing
software at American Graphics Institute's Boston training
center. He has been involved in teaching electronic
publishing and electronic document distribution for more
than 10 years. He works with many of the world's largest
publishers helping them adopt new publishing software
through the development and delivery of customized training
Livres de Christopher Smith
Auteurs : Jennifer Smith, Christopher Smith
Éditeur : Wiley
Date de parution : 29/08/2005
Auteurs : David Blatner, Christopher Smith, Steve Werner
Éditeur : Eyrolles
Date de parution : 03/03/2005
Indisponible définitivement
Auteurs : David Blatner, Christopher Smith, Steve Werner
Éditeur : Peachpit Press
Date de parution : 19/11/2004
Auteurs : David Blatner, Christopher Smith, Steve Werner
Éditeur : Peachpit Press
Date de parution : 05/05/2003
Auteurs : Christopher Smith, Sally Cox
Éditeur : Sams
Date de parution : 01/02/2002