Bill Trippe
Biographie de Bill Trippe
Bill Trippe is president of New Millennium Publishing, a Boston-based consulting practice formed in 1997. Bill has more than 20 years of technical and management experience in electronic publishing, content management, and SGML/XML and related technologies. He brings a unique blend of strategic and hands-on knowledge of the products and trends that are shaping the publishing and content technology marketplace. In addition to his role at New Millennium, Bill is associate editor of The Gilbane Report, the XML columnist for Transform, a Consulting Associate with the consulting and market research firm CAP Ventures, and a regular contributor to the magazine, EContent. He recently co-authored Digital Rights Management: Business and Technology.
Livres de Bill Trippe
Auteurs : Kate Binder, Bill Trippe
Éditeur : Mc Graw Hill
Date de parution : 11/09/2002
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