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Mechanics of nano-objects
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Librairie Eyrolles - Paris 5e

Mechanics of nano-objects

Mechanics of nano-objects

Olivier Thomas, Anne Ponchet, Samuel Forest - Collection Sciences de la matière

378 pages, parution le 01/12/2011


In nanoscience, one always has to question how the basic theories we use at the macro- and meso- scales (continuum elasticity and plasticity, etc) apply at the nanometre scale. Studying mechanical properties of nano-size objects also challenges the experimental approaches: how to implement reproducible and controllable mechanical loading? How to measure fields (displacement, stress, strain, etc) with the required nano-resolution? Moreover nanoscience is often tackling the limits of continuum theories and thus simulation is an increasingly important tool to evaluate the different scale transitions needed from atoms to nano-objects.

This book provides an updated view of the rapidly growing field of mechanical properties of nano-objects like micropillars, nanowires, nano-particles, nano-precipitates, nano-twins, MEMS, NEMS and structured surfaces, etc. It addresses the theoretical and experimental issues that span the field of mechanics at small dimensions: the fundamentals of continuum mechanics and the mechanics of defects, a general state-of-the-art about modelling and simulation and an overview of the size dependent mechanical properties of nano-objects. Fascinating recent advances are shown in the evaluation of displacement fields at the nano scale by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. Examples are given of systems where mastering mechanical properties in small dimensions is key to control the final aimed property (electrical, optical, mechanical, etc).

L'auteur - Olivier Thomas

Olivier Thomas - IM2NP, Aix-Marseille University, CNRS.

L'auteur - Anne Ponchet

Anne Ponchet (CEMES, CNRS), Samuel Forest (MINES ParisTech, CNRS) coordinate the CNRS research network MECANO gathering specialists in physics, mechanics and chemistry investigating size dependent properties of materials. Mechanics of nano-objects results from a spring school, which took place in Autrans on the Vercors plateau close to Grenoble, France from March 14 to March 19, 2010.

L'auteur - Samuel Forest

Samuel Forest est directeur de recherches au CNRS et enseigne la mécanique des milieux continus à l'Ecole des Mines de Paris. Ses travaux concernent la modélisation et la simulation numérique en mécanique des matériaux : calculs de microstructures, effets d'échelle en plasticité, visco-plasticité cristalline, endommagement, rupture... Il développe la mécanique des milieux continus généralisés permettant une prise en compte de la microstructure dans le comportement de la matière. Il a reçu la médaille d'argent du CNRS en 2012 et le Grand Prix Huy Duong Bui de l'Académie des Sciences en 2021.

Autres livres de Samuel Forest


  • Introduction
  • Fundamentals of continuum mechanics and mechanics of defects
  • Modelling and simulation methods of the nano and micro-scales
  • Experimental methods for local measurements at the micro and nano-scales
  • Nano-objects : mechanical properties and influence thereof
  • Nanostructures and systems
Voir tout

Caractéristiques techniques

Éditeur(s) Presses des Mines - Transvalor
Auteur(s) Olivier Thomas, Anne Ponchet, Samuel Forest
Collection Sciences de la matière
Parution 01/12/2011 21/09/2015
Nb. de pages 378 378
Format 16 x 24 -
Couverture Broché -
Poids 630g -
Intérieur Noir et Blanc -
Contenu - PDF
EAN13 9782911256677 9782356713049
ISBN13 978-2-911256-67-7 -


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